
Joined: October 20, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 229309

Hey There Gorgeous

Your beautiful & don't let anyone tell you different ♥

Hello Wittians ♥ Welcome to my page, & enjoy your stay (: The name's Tara,   I'm 15 years young & my birthday is  Sept. 6. Birthday twins are hotpinkpolkadots & music4ever9697 ♥ I love my family and friends and am always there for someone who needs me. Cross country is one of the greatest sports because I love runnning ;D  xc, track. I love meeting people on here that live close to me (Pennsylvania people) & talk to me if we have similar interests, I'll comment back (; I love writing quotes, and making people happy. This website is a huge part of my life even though I've only been on it for a short time. & it makes me soo happy when people start randomly following me(: I'm pretty simple, and will talk to anyone (: Fave, Follow, Comment ♥ Love you all & Stay Strong ♥

 One Direction<333333333333333


Quotes by TarBear9697

I don't like
The new witty format


The reason

the nice guys always get shot down


while some girls want to be with you and are too afraid to say it.

I wish
we could just rewind time back to then, and try again.

-Format credit to ThatsSoMeee

Shoot me with your words.
 Cut me with your eyes.
Kill me with your hatefulness
 But still, like air, I'll rise.

Mirrors dont lie 
 Lucky for you, they can't laugh either.


YOLO backwards is OLOY
 which means
 Only Losers Obey Y.o.l.o

Looking at a photograph

and wishing you could re-live that moment over and over again.♥


I'd like to thank Tetris 
 for making me really good at loading my dishwasher


That one guy 
 That you'll never be able to have