Format for the story now c
I woke up early That morning. We were arriving to the Capitol
today,And I'd get to meet my Stylist. When I got to Brekfast
Ida was sitting at the table alone Filing her nails. How natural
she looks, as if nothings happening at all. I take my seat and I
am presented with French Toast, a Small bowl of fruit and some
Grain. So Much for Good Capitol Meals, Maybe they thought I didnt
like my dinner last night, since i hadnt finished it. I ate my
Unusually Normal Brekfast and looked out the window. Thresh was
walking in and being served with the same meal as mine. Maybe
they hadnt stocked up enough food i thought. Then I saw That we
were in the tunnel it was all black and Then Boom! There they
were, The Capitol people waving like crazy in there mad clothes
and Amazing Unusual Hair. I waved out the window and They loved
it. I looked back at thresh and he didnt seem to have moved at
all. He just sat there like nothing in the world was happening.
When We Went back into a tunnel Sybil came out. "Crazy
are'nt they" she said laughing "You'd better
get used to them They'll be some of your possible
sponsers!" She asked me to come take a seat and we'd
talk stratagy. "Now First off would you like to be Trained
together or separately choose now" She said Seriously.A lot
of time went by I wasnt sure what to say til Sybil finally said
something. "Separate May be better" Sybil suggested
with a smile. We both nodded and Went back to what we were doing.
The train entered the Station and we could hear the cheers
outside. I was ushered Quickly into a separate car with Three
amazingly weird people. "Oh Isnt she gorgous so Cute!"
a Female with Blue Curls squeeked "I cant wait to get
started, Okay My names krystalia, This is Lyla and This is
Floyd". The one Called Lyla Lifted up a strand of my hair
with her Pink Colored Hand "Oh Her hairs just so silky!
It'll be so cute if we tied it up in a bow!" The car
Stoped and the Preps Brought me into a Room and Told me to remove
my clothes and Wear a Silky Blue Robe with the number 11 on the
back of it. Thank god I dont have to be waxed and shaved like all
the older kids I thought greatfully. I watched Floyd Paint my
Nails a Natural Shade and shape them with a nail File. When I
looked in the Mirror I looked so Natural but beautiful.
"Your Whats Called Beauty Base zero Now" Floyd said in
his Deep attractive voice. I done a twirl and they went mad
"Your so Cute I could just take you away and Hide you in my
suitcase!" Krystalia shriked "Time to meet Viola your
Stylist!" They broughty me into a room with a Sign saying
'Dining Room District 11 Girl' I sat down and waited,
Almost Immideataly A young woman came in and smiled at me.
"Hello Rue, My Name is Viola I'm your
Thanks for reading, I'll be posting almost every night, i
know not many people read this so thank you people who do!
"Dont Be Afraid, Come on Deary!"Ida Said in her squeeky Voice "I wont bite". I walked Up On The Stage and Ida asked For Voulenteers, I was Glad Maria was too young to Voulenteer I knew she would've. Ida Moved on To The Boys. "Thresh McElwee". I knew Him and I felt like Dying when I saw how Tall he was. He was Strong. Not Very Friendly. Deadly. I knew I didnt have a chance But I'd have to try My Best and Not go down with out a Fight. Ida Made Us Go Into The Justice building and we Waited a Visit from our Familys. Mama, Pappah, and Maria Were The Only ones Aloud in. "Oh Rue!" Cried Maria as she put her arms around me and Mama and Papahs Arms quickly Followed. "Its Ok, Really Im Ok" I said Trying to Be Brave. We Were Given 3 Minutes. We Done a Lot of Hugging and Comforting. "Rue, Listen to Me Are you listening?" Said Papah Fighting Back the Tears "I want you to Know we all love you very Much, All of us! We Love you and While your in the Games Just Think of us!". Mama gave me a hug and Kissed me on the Cheek "I love you Rue, and I always will" Mama and Papa stood back and Maria hugged me also and Pressed Her Wooden Star Necklace into My Hand. "Take it Rue, I want you to Remember me when Your sad" She said concerned. The PeaceKeeper Said They Had to go and The Game me one More Tight Squeeze and Left in Tears. I Wish I could've Lived I thought. We Were Rushed to The Car that took us to the Train. Thresh Looked as If he wasnt Crying at all. He looked Like Nothing was Happening. I was sure he was just being Brave and didnt want to look like a wimp. We Walked Past all the Cameras and Entered the Train. The Train was amazing! Enough Food to feed my Family and Daisy for a Year or more! Ida Told us to wait and she'd get the mentor to come talk to us. Sybil Abbot Our Mentor who won The 63rd Hunger games. Our Youngest Victor so Far who won at Age 15 One of The Many Youngest Victors. "Hello Congratulations" Said Sybil Looking Us Up and Down "I'm Sybil Abbot I'll be your Mentor" She smiled at us. Thresh Nodded at her and Ida Came in and Said Dinner was Served. Dinner Was A soup of some Green Mush That Tasted Like Peas That we had one Harvest, There was some sort of Lamb and Little Vegetables and Chocolate Fudge Cake. It was all so Amazing. I Savored Every Bite. We went into another room with a Huge Screen and watched the reapings of all the Districts. I felt like Just Killing myself. All the Career Tributes Were so Vicious Especially The Scary Boy from 2. One Girl Caught My Eye from twelve. The Woman who was Talking in the Programme Started Crying at the Sacrifice she made. She had voulenteered for her 12 year old sister. Ida Rushed us to bed and Told us we would be in the Capitol early tomorrow. I went to bed and Dreamed about what Horrors the Gamemakers were going to have installed for us...
Rues Story
The hunger games.
I Woke Up Searching For My Lamp and
Clicked It on. Todays The Day of the Reaping. The Day I'd
Been Dreading since my 12th Birthday. I could smell Brekfast On
The stove and Got Dressed to Help Mama and Papa Feed My Crazy
Young 6 Other Siblings. "Morning Rue" Papa said With a
Fake smile I could see in his Eyes he Feared for me.
"Morning Papa and Mama Did you sleep well?" I reply as
I walk over to the Door to Get the Bucket for Milking Daisy The
Cow. "We Slept Great" Mama Lied "Now Rue go Get
some Milk for Brekfast". I walked Out To Daisy, My Best
Friend. I told Daisy everything, My Deepest Secrets and How I was
Really Feeling. The Beauty of Daisy was She Couldnt Tell anyone.
I milked Daisy like I did every other day and Walked Back in
Home. Maria, Elizabeth, Joshua, Harold, Thomas and Ethel.
Elizabeth ran into my arms when I left down the Bucket.
"Rue, where are you going today?" she asked.
"I'm going to the square with lots of other kids" I
say trying to keep her from knowing the Truth. Ethel Takes The
Bucket of Milk and Pours it into the Weaved Bowls Papa and I
spent hours making. "Eat up Kids, Rue we'll be going
soon." Mama said looking at me with the Fearful look of
concern Papa had done. After we were Finished Maria and I went to
Clean Up. "You dont have to go do you? Cant you just pretend
to be sick?" Maria asked. "I dont think The
PeaceKeepers Could be Fooled." I say. Mama holds my Hand as
we walk to the Town square. Lines of People are Signing In. Once
I get accounted for I go and Join The other 12 year old girls of
District 11. Wouldnt want a Child Un Accounted for. Ida
cartwright The Escort For District 11 Comes Out On stage and
Presents the Mayor. He makes the same old speech he makes Every
year and Leaves Ida To Take Two of us Kids to Our Death.
"Lets Start with The ladies Shall we?" Says Ida as she
walks over to The Bowl. 6 Of those Slips Say My Name on them.
Stupid Tessera I think to myself. Ida Takes out a Slip of paper
and Walks to the Microphone.
"Rue Medows"She Calls Out.
I almost Faint when I realise.. Its me.
So This is My Story I'll be doing all of rues Experiences
Until The End of Her Life. This is mostly for the pig HG Fans :)
I hope you like it!