
Joined: October 9, 2014
Last Seen: 1 month
user id: 387133

Quotes by TheCovertComic

Which mask to wear, which wear to mask.
Every bra is a sports bra - the only difference is the sport.
A little dangering is a learneous thing.

I'm not the least bit surprised that machines have become sentient. Everything gets its own fragrance nowadays.
As fate would have it, fate was having none of it.
Was ignorance supposed to know bounds???
According to new research, the number of people who identify as transgender is growing.

Transgender as percent of population (2013): 0.6%

Transgender as percent of population (2023): 0.6%

... Clearly, the 0 and 6 are getting bigger.

I looked up the word 'plebeian.' It basically means someone who looks up the word 'plebeian.'
A vending machine factory is a meta vending machine.
Sooner or later, we all quote our mothers.
– Bernard Williams
– My mother