Not really :/
My friend says that I've changed and meant it in a bad way. They think it's because of a boy I liked. But that's not true, wtf.
I have changed yes but i like it??
Not really :/
My friend says that I've changed and meant it in a bad way. They think it's because of a boy I liked. But that's not true, wtf.
I have changed yes but i like it??
Aw how come?:c
Oh.. Dx
Omg poor you! Are you really close with this friend?
If she was a real friend then she would understand that you have strong feelings for this guy and thats affecting the way you act. But i guess maybe she feels like you're busier or something now that you like someone? Try talking to her properly about it and find out what the problem is. Something's obviously going on here.
Though if the thing about her telling you you've changed is starting to bug you then you should tell her.
WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS ASK ME FOR ADVICE:C but i hope all that helps^ im sorry, im bad at this stuff. :/ maybe try it and tell me how it goes though? goodluck<3
I know, we all change.
They're acting like they haven't. I don't have to defend myself actually, I'm going to cut them off completely. I don't like people like that at all.
Thanks for your advice :))
Thanks, wbu? need help with anything?
I know, we all change.
They're acting like they haven't. I don't have to defend myself actually, I'm going to cut them off completely. I don't like people like that at all.
Thanks for your advice :))
Thanks, wbu? need help with anything?
Oh i see.
Well do what makes you happy i guess:)))xo
Aha no problem, sorry it sucked though.
Not really >.<
Im still trying to settle in my new school though :s
Hello, I know this is sort of spam and I apologize, but could to please follow this account? I'd like to try and get it out there, and let people know that this is to help them. If you don't then I understand. Thank you for your time. :-)
Hmmm I'm interested in writing, music, books, this one guy who probably hates me or doesn't care about me, witty, the internet in general, a lot of tv shows, and trying to help people (: What about you?
I love all of those things :) I love writing, I'm writing this thing on here called 'Oh Cherie' I don't have many readers, perhaps because I'm not very descriptive but I'm very choppy. I know what to say but don't know how, if that makes sense. I like pretty much the same things as you lol. Why do you think he doesn't care about you? :o
I'll check it out (: and yes that totally makes sense I feel like that a lot of time. And it's a long complicated story. But basically when he cared about me, I didn't and then when he stopped I started caring. And then he went away for a while and left me hanging; he said he still liked me but he was just tired of me being complicated. I'm gonna see him again when school starts and I have no idea where he stands now. I hope what I just described made sense.
Yeah but it was at the wrong time. I liked someone else and was super insecure and so I ended it. And he still cared after but I still shut him down. And now I feel really bad and stupid cause now all I want is a second chance and he probably gave up on me at this point.
I see...You should try talking to him. Text him now, saying something like 'do you wanna meet up?'
This would probably give you the chance to talk, you know?
I wish it were that easy. I haven't seen him or talked to him in months. He got expelled from school but that's a whole other long and complicated story. I can't even text him; I don't have his number anymore. But he's coming back to school next year and I have no idea what to do or how to act. But that's good advice anyway(: I would do it if the situation were sorta different.
He was exepelled? Is he a naughty boy? lol.
Do you have him on facebook or anything like that, cause it would be easy to say stuff there. And you should act normal, not too nervous around him. Try to act confident and be friendly, that way you'll be more comfortable around eachother.
Lol yeah he pretty much is. He doesn't have a Facebook but it's okay cause I don't even have the guts to text him now. And I'll try but it's easier said than done. Anywhoo pick one and I might be able to help(:
Oh well, they're always the best ;)
I don't have facebook either, de-activated it last year, never been happier.
Hmm, let's start with these. I have this feeling, I feel as if I'm being watched by someone on a camera. It's someone I know and I get paranoid so I try not to be myself? It's weird.
And the other one is that I want to move schools but I have no idea how to ask them to visit. I want to take a look inside but I don't know what to say on the phone...
Yeah :D
Hey sorry for the slow reply. Anywhooo, is there a reason that you feel you're being watched? And you can say that you just want to take a tour of the school. Again, I'm sorry for taking forever to reply.
Nope, it's just a really weird feeling. I phoned them and they said that the tours were only for the year7 and sixth form. I need to convince my dad first, he's not letting me go because I'll have to walk 3 miles. and it's okay :)
Depends, I have 1 but they live like 15 minutes away from us. They collect their other friend aswell and I don't want to intrude. So.. :(
btw thanks for helped.
it's been a while, what's up?
How are you?
We havent spoken in so long wow
Aw, when does your school start again?
Mine's in 3 weeks..
Where do you live?
You're lucky and Angie, I need your help with something. Give me honest advice?
Um no i am not lucky
England's not that great really:P
Yeah sure! Whats up? Everything ok Corrie?<3
My friend says that I've changed and meant it in a bad way. They think it's because of a boy I liked. But that's not true, wtf.
I have changed yes but i like it??
My friend says that I've changed and meant it in a bad way. They think it's because of a boy I liked. But that's not true, wtf.
I have changed yes but i like it??
Oh.. Dx
Omg poor you! Are you really close with this friend?
If she was a real friend then she would understand that you have strong feelings for this guy and thats affecting the way you act. But i guess maybe she feels like you're busier or something now that you like someone? Try talking to her properly about it and find out what the problem is. Something's obviously going on here.
Though if the thing about her telling you you've changed is starting to bug you then you should tell her.
WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS ASK ME FOR ADVICE:C but i hope all that helps^ im sorry, im bad at this stuff. :/ maybe try it and tell me how it goes though? goodluck<3
They're acting like they haven't. I don't have to defend myself actually, I'm going to cut them off completely. I don't like people like that at all.
Thanks for your advice :))
Thanks, wbu? need help with anything?
They're acting like they haven't. I don't have to defend myself actually, I'm going to cut them off completely. I don't like people like that at all.
Thanks for your advice :))
Thanks, wbu? need help with anything?
Oh i see.
Well do what makes you happy i guess:)))xo
Aha no problem, sorry it sucked though.
Not really >.<
Im still trying to settle in my new school though :s
Your quotes are brilliant!
Have you heard Danse?
How are you?
I'm Carrie and it's lovely to meet you :D
This would probably give you the chance to talk, you know?
Do you have him on facebook or anything like that, cause it would be easy to say stuff there. And you should act normal, not too nervous around him. Try to act confident and be friendly, that way you'll be more comfortable around eachother.
I don't have facebook either, de-activated it last year, never been happier.
Hmm, let's start with these. I have this feeling, I feel as if I'm being watched by someone on a camera. It's someone I know and I get paranoid so I try not to be myself? It's weird.
And the other one is that I want to move schools but I have no idea how to ask them to visit. I want to take a look inside but I don't know what to say on the phone...
Yeah :D
btw thanks for helped.