& so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Hi, I'm Lia. I depend on him and her a lot. I write stuff. That's about it.
Jenna Marbles, Smosh, Shane Dawson, lasercorn, sohinki, ImprovEverywhere, Pewdiepie, AMAZINGPHIL, DANISNOTONFIRE.. Assassins Creed 1, 2 and 3, Bioshock, Sims. Tumblr, Facebook, Witty, Youtube. Pasta, icecream, canolis, salad. Pina Colada's, water, rootbeer, black coffee. The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueler's Day Off, Hugo, The Lion King, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, Beetlejuice, The Emporer's New Groove, Pixar movies. The Glee Project, Law and Order SVU, Pokemon, Four Weddings, Say Yes To The Dress. Sweaters, Pea Coats, skinny jeans, jeggings, graphic t-shirts, band t-shirts. Uggs, moccasins, leather boots without the heel, Converse, Toms. Piano, Saxophone. Singing, Writing, sketching, acting, painting. The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Divergent, The Mysterious Benident Society, The Secret Series, The Kane Series, Witch And Wizard series Percy Jackson, all books by Rick Riordan, The Bible. Ghost Town, nevershoutnever, One Direction, Fun. Ducks, dogs, cats, guinea pigs. June, Jackson, Kelsey, Cullen, Chris, Hayden, Sara, Gabby, Vanessa. Pacsun, Wet Seal, Old Navy, Macy's, Delia's, Glitter, American Eagle outfitters. Being alone, but getting help when you need it. Stars, triangles, circles. Bracelett's, watches, scarfs, bows, mustaches. Humour, someone who can make me laugh easily, gamers, brown hair, hazel eyes. Much more.
RayWilliamJohnson. Sonic the Hedgehog, Superman (the video games). Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Twitter. Asparagus, zucchini, sushi, buttercream frosting. Mountain Dew, Coke and Rum, warm milk, coffee with too much sugar. The Campaign, Juno, The Jungle Book. Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Jersey Shore, Paula Dean. Form fitting shirts, sweatpants that are straight at the bottom, ripped jeans, raincoats. Heels, rainboots, high heeled leather boots, Croc's, those shoes that have the toe molds. Oboe, percussion, flutes, trombones, english french horns (those little deceiving biaches). Singing in front of a lot of people, dancing, sculpting. The Pretty's series. Blood on the Dance Floor, Country, Rock, Emo, Punk, Christian, Matchbox 20. Cheetahs, lions, black panthers, geese. All of the Madeline's in my grade, plus people who think that they're better than everyone else. Cutie, Abercrombie and Fitch, Aeropostale. Being alone, and when you need help, nobody's there to help you. Squares, rhombus's. Headbands, hair clips, long socks. Bad breath, damp mood, light hair, being too serious. Much more.
Happy Witty-ing c:
Oh, and the people that have asked to be notified for my Broken/Don't Leave are:
Nothin' much :D it's been epicc. bowling team went bowling today (and i was in it) we came at the last thirty minutes of school and did a pop quiz. boo yah ;l
haha, yeah, i get that. tumblr was a bit hard to use at first for me, and i quit, but now i'm back. i'm sorry but i have to go to bed, beth D: goodnight!
Heyyyyy!!!! Just notifying you that the next chapter of my story 'Burned' is up!!! It is in two parts… sorry about that!! I can't figure out the HTML format!! Darn!!! Well anyways, notifying is getting hard so if you could try to read it with out me notifying that would be great, just let me know you don't need to be notified!! Thanks for reading!!! Love you!!!
Bc honestly that last chapter I posted was the last chapter of the story and now i just have to upload the epilogue... Idk I just loved writing that one and I'm sad it's over
haha i'm working on a few right now. honestly the one i like the best is the one direction fanfic im writing but i dont think anyone will read it hah xD
well... i have a story that i haven't uploaded yet, but i'm not sure if I should and I can't until next week because i left my notebook at my mom's house so..
I like your likes
stay amazing!