
Joined: July 4, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 314736


omfg 16k notes in 1 day…



Quotes by ThisGirlIsAKittyKat

Does anyone know any good cheap online clothing stores to shop from?
If so please comment below!
I'm looking for new music to listen to.

Mostly something that fits into these genres:

- Rock
- Alternative
- Glam Metal
- Orchestral 

So please comment below if you know any artists/bands/performers I could listen to.
Thank you and have a good day peasants (hehe).

I'm going to stay online until it reaches the '21st December' which is in a few hours for me, and I want to be online with a few people to chat so I won't be alone.

Who's with me?
i really
want to get more than 200 followers on Twitter.
Right now I have 117.
My name is " becker_robin ".

So if you follow me there, favorite or comment on this quote and I`ll follow you on Witty.

*not asking for faves*
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
nmq. my format.

Follow me on Twitter:


I really want a hundred followers. Halfway there.

p.s. that's not my real name, it's just my fake name.
follow me on twitter:


and if you ask, you might get a shoutout ;)

Okay so I'm updating my story 'Up All Night' on the website bellow because it's kind of confusing for me when I write it on Witty. So here's the link:

Okay, so here's a little information about what happened to Lucy so far:

She's managed to:

- Get lost in New York
- Break her heels
- Sleep in a cardboard box
- Be kidnapped
- Parachute
- Fall in a tree
and much more to come.