Okay so yeah I was on one of my old stardoll accounts and I went
to a random persons page and she's like 11 and this is what I
I'm a Cr@zy B@by, pretty L@dy, Tot@l Cutie, Wit a B00ty, Booty
$h@kin, He@rt Bre@kin, perfect Hip$, Glo$$ed Lip$, B@ngin $tyle,
be@utiful $mile, M@dd Hott, Never $top, Lil Hunni, Pl@yboi Buni,
@ngel B@by, $poiled M@ybe $hort $kirt, Luv 2 Flirt, temptin Lip$,
Killa ki$$, $p@rklin eyez, $teelin d@ guys,Steelin da shine,Got
@ll Dem fell@z $@yin D@ng $hez fine! 0
I was laughing so hard.