
Joined: July 4, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 314736


omfg 16k notes in 1 day…



ThisGirlIsAKittyKat's Favorite Quotes

Me: oh i look decent in this picture
Me: i shall use this profile picture on all of my social network accounts for the next 50 years

So this is the end of you and me. We had a good run now I'm setting you free, to do as you want, to do as you  please, without me.
Are you breaking up with me with You Me At Six lyrics?
Sorry baby byt yeah...
Best break up ever!

some lyrics are so accurate i want to write them on my body and paint them on my walls and post them on every social networking site and scream them from the rooftops and get a t shirt with them on it and bathe in them and wow i just like nice lyrics

♥ You made me hate my own

Question  every choice  I  made
So I tried to be perfect
But I will try to be fake

So forgive me 'cause I could really care less that

This world has changed me   
So you know when you ask me

  "Who are you now?"


                   Who are you now- Sleeping With Sirens

“Loving a band with all your heart is something you only understand when it happens to you. On the surface, others can see it as a petty obsession, but they’ll just never know the feeling of putting so much faith into a few people on the other side of the world . It’s hard to explain it to them, the listening to song after song on repeat, the waits for new albums, the excitement and surreal sensation when you finally see them live. They don’t seem to understand why the lyrics booklets give you a sense of comfort, or why you paste photos of them all over your bedroom walls. And they can’t understand why one band could matter to you so much. and you think to yourself ‘Because they saved my life.’ But you say nothing, they wouldn’t understand.”
— Alex Gaskarth (All Time Low)
Okay so yeah I was on one of my old stardoll accounts and I went to a random persons page and she's like 11 and this is what I found:

I'm a Cr@zy B@by, pretty L@dy, Tot@l Cutie, Wit a B00ty, Booty $h@kin, He@rt Bre@kin, perfect Hip$, Glo$$ed Lip$, B@ngin $tyle, be@utiful $mile, M@dd Hott, Never $top, Lil Hunni, Pl@yboi Buni, @ngel B@by, $poiled M@ybe $hort $kirt, Luv 2 Flirt, temptin Lip$, Killa ki$$, $p@rklin eyez, $teelin d@ guys,Steelin da shine,Got @ll Dem fell@z $@yin D@ng $hez fine! 0

I was laughing so hard.

Directioners: The Musical

(This is the scene where we find their houses) 

Directioners: Stalked you outta the sky
I'm your creep tonight
I like your face-e-e
And you've got a nice place.

One Direction: Get out, get out, get out
Of my house you're scaring me
And I'm creeped out
I don't, I don't, don't know
what you're doing
Leave or I'll call the police
We've got a weird fanbase.

If I ever become a teacher, whenever a student falls asleep in my class,
I'm going to take a picture of them and put it on my wall. And that wall will be called the Wall of Shame.
Dad: What are you listening to? It's very loud.

Me: Asking Alexandria. 

Dad: Asking Alexandria what?

Dad: What you're listening to?

Dad: How would she know? 

Me: No, Dad. It's a band.

Dad: That's a very unusual name. 





Justin Bieber:

Kellin Quinn:

One Direction:


Lil Wayne:


My cat:

Dad: So, did she answer them?

Dad: Since they're asking her?

Dad: Wait, what are they asking her?




Dad: I'm confused.....

Me: No, you're retarded.

I'ma take your grandpa's style,
I'ma take your grandpa's style,
No for real,
ask your grandpa,
can I have his hand-me-downs?

Thrift shop is honestly the weirdest song