The one I love lives 95 miles away :c
August 31, 2012
Last Seen:
1 decade
January 7
user id:
My Abode
If you ,
have an eatting disorder
dealing with bullying
or a bully
suicidal thought
family issues
or anxity.
Or even ANYTHING you wanna talk about or get off your chest
Im here for you.
thats what this account is for.
My goal in life is to save a life.
Stay Strong and Dream Big Beautiful!
also please dont reply, please comment on my profile:)
i cant see them
I was just doing my usual witty stalking (as you do) and I came across your page, you're really pretty and you remind me of this girl I know and she's so nice so idk I just decided to talk to you and maybe we could be biffles or whavevs but yeah. Thanks, Bye xx
Thanks for the links, but when I go to it, it says that I don't have permission to see it? Do I have to add you on Facebook to see it? & also no problem, I love to read stuff haha :D Just to warn you: I have weird friends and they may post weird potato-like stuff on my wall if you happen to see it xP
Continue your story
Cant wait!
have an eatting disorder
dealing with bullying
or a bully
suicidal thought
family issues
or anxity.
Or even ANYTHING you wanna talk about or get off your chest
Im here for you.
thats what this account is for.
My goal in life is to save a life.
Stay Strong and Dream Big Beautiful!
also please dont reply, please comment on my profile:)
i cant see them