
Status: Learn To Let Things Go
Joined: March 24, 2014
Last Seen: 7 years
Birthday: August 1
user id: 380257
Location: Pennsylvania
Gender: F


My name is Kristen
I like the colors red, blue, black, and white
I like to draw, read or write
When you follow, I follow back
Write to me whenever you want,
I'll try to answer whenever I can.

-- xXAGirlWithManyScarsXx




Quotes by xXAGirlWithManyScarsXx*

"Finally got a Twitter account! Follow me @mistaken_pain"
"I remember back in those days, we would be holding hands.
We would talk about  lots of things, like our favorite bands."
"Did you know our memories are one of a kind?
They are the ones that are so hard to find."
Six Word Memoir #3:

Why can I not have you?

Six Word Memoir #2:

School is not hell, but prison.
Six Word Memoir #1:

Life needs love, laughter, and support.
I swear I want you, but do you want me?
"You should never be afraid on following your dreams. Because if you do, you yourself are scaring them away."
"My mind is completely blank when I try to talk to you.
I'm the reason that there is always an awkward silence. 
I wasn't always anti - social.
I became that way once I started being bullied.
Unfortunately, I never told you that. 
And probably never will."
" If he says: 'I love you' one more time, 
I think I'm gonna faint. XD "