1/26/2015 12:01pm
It is lunchtime. Although I don't really feel like eating too much. My music is blasting loud. A cover of Arctic Monkeys is playing. I slip a Cheerio in my mouth and continue to type this story. My name is Kailee, but my name is irrelevant to you, all you want is to read a good book and perhaps relax, fall asleep or maybe you even like reading for the pleasure of it. Whatever floats your boat. Fu*k, I already seem like an arrogant b*tch. Wow. How rude am I, didn't even ask how you are. Are you good? Bad? If you're having a good day I hope it lasts. If bad, I hope it gets better I truly do. Anyways, you may be wondering what this book is about, since it seems that there is no title and little to no description. This isn't a sappy love story, this isn't about death and tragedy, nor teenage drama and gossip and liars. It would be smart to make a book that is about one of those topics since so many people can relate but I don't want it to be relatable. I want it to be something different. A break from all that other sh*tty stuff you hear. I have to get to class now. Maybe as this story progresses you learn more about me. Maybe.