
Status: no longer single check yea! in a relationship with Garrett Joseph Lisenby ❤
Joined: October 5, 2012
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: March 13
user id: 333253
Location: Floating on a raft in the middle of the ocean
Gender: F

Hi, my name is Julia. In my mind I am a very interesting person but in your mind that opinion may change. This past year has been very interesting, i have learned alot about who i thought i was and who i am not. I have learned who my friends are and who are definetley not my friends.  Will i be a Bitch somedays and hurt someones feelings... Yuppers. But when i realize what i have done i will sincerely ask for forgiveness and make sure it doesn't happen again. So in all reality I am no different than any of you guys, thats why i love it on this website soo much, because you guys are so nice, kind and caring, willing to help out anyone in need and allowing eachother to express themselves.

Stuff about me:

my fave color is blue
i love playing guitar, paino ,sax, and singin
i love country music
i am a total country girl(if i ever lived in a city i might suffocate there isn't enough green and open space)O
the rest you can find out for yourself.

Quotes by WPiC123

It has been awhile since i have been on witty. Alot has changed in the year that i have been gone.
I no longer live with my family, we dont really get along thats why i moved out. Oh i graduated highschool! It isnt as exctiing being out in the real world as some would think. Im starting to realize how difficult it can be to be able to make enough money just to live in todays soceity. 
It has been awhile since i have been on witty. Alot has changed in the year that i have been gone.
I no longer live with my family, we dont really get along thats why i moved out. Oh i graduated highschool! It isnt as exctiing being out in the real world as some would think. Im starting to realize how difficult it can be to be able to make enough money just to live in todays soceity. 
It has been 1 Month 21 Days.
God gave me you for the ups and downs,
God gave me you for the days of doubt,
For when I think I've lost my way,
There are no words here left to say it's true,
Go's gave me you
I need help
I don't know what to get him for Valentine's Day.
I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day but he is...
If you have ANY suggestions please comment...

She doesn't even have the guts to talk to her ex boyfriend so she has her new play toy tell him she can't talk and is busy when he can hear her in the background.... classy. This new play toy may last a week before she gets bored.
The Bltch starts stuff and when she gets a reply or reaction doesn't have the guts to finish what she starts.
Just shows you how pathetic she is, not only does she cheat and sleep around but she can't even finish and arguement she tried starting.
It makes me almost feel bad for her...
but then i just have to laugh because its so dang funny
She said:
How dare you... don't call me your friend. You two deserve each other. Good luck
My reply:
Thank you! We were never friends. How dare I you broke up with him you can't expect him to cry about you for the rest of his life. Get over yourself my dear.:)
I'm the happiest girl in the world because of him and no one can bring me down