Hi, my name is Julia. In my mind I am a very interesting person but in your mind that opinion may change. This past year has been very interesting, i have learned alot about who i thought i was and who i am not. I have learned who my friends are and who are definetley not my friends. Will i be a Bitch somedays and hurt someones feelings... Yuppers. But when i realize what i have done i will sincerely ask for forgiveness and make sure it doesn't happen again. So in all reality I am no different than any of you guys, thats why i love it on this website soo much, because you guys are so nice, kind and caring, willing to help out anyone in need and allowing eachother to express themselves.
Stuff about me:
my fave color is blue
i love playing guitar, paino ,sax, and singin
i love country music
i am a total country girl(if i ever lived in a city i might suffocate there isn't enough green and open space)O
the rest you can find out for yourself.