Hi there! Not sure if you even remember me but we used to be good internet friends on here haha! I haven't been on this website in years and totally forgot I had one! Anyway...if you ever see this and want to catch up just comment me back!
I just happened to find your profile, I don't even know how tbh. Buut I just wanted to tell you that I have the same birthday as you (I thought that was pretty freaking cool considering I have never known of someone else sharing the same birthday as me)
Awwwwww<3 You jut made my night(:
Hey handsome
Don't worry about it and don't say your sorry ... it happens
I would love to try and be friends with you again
I'm glad i have a really cute guy like you who loves Aerosmith and Steven Tyler ;3
Thanks so much for saying that about me but i don't believe that i'm beautiful
Awweeeee hunnyyyyyy! I love you so much! Don't ever give up on life! Stay strong! Don't be sorry for anything! Bby everyone makes mistakes you just have to learn from them! You are so perfect and I couldn't handle it if you killed yourself l! I'd be depressed! So depressed! I need you in my life hunny! You are so amazing! And idk what I would do if I didn't have you in my life! <3 love you my bby Dino! Stay strong for me! Ill always be here for you
Okay well I just wanted to say that I forgive you. I know you're going through a rough time right now and im really sorry for what happened so I'll be the bigger person and we can just put everything behind us. I've missed you so much and there were lots of times where I would think about you so yeah, we're good now
Last night was amazing!!!(; (;
Love you
Me and Shane are always here for you tho Ok?
That's depressing
Is like Emmitt not being a man wh^re '
Im sorry, I love you
Im a jack^ss
Emmitt wants to f^ck you btw
And yeah I am
and okay whatever
Bahaha jk
Emmitts cool with that!
Emmitts ugly but your attractive
I want Shakira to have my babies
Hey handsome
Don't worry about it and don't say your sorry ... it happens
I would love to try and be friends with you again
I'm glad i have a really cute guy like you who loves Aerosmith and Steven Tyler ;3
Thanks so much for saying that about me but i don't believe that i'm beautiful
You mean a lot to me it just hurts to know that you didn't trust me about Her....
Im sorry she hurt you and f^cked you up
Im sorry about the heroin
most of all Im sorry for not being your friend throughout your troubles
I forgive you if you can forgive me?
As off now about half my head of hair is pink
I regret it
I want blue hair
Like the colour of this font