Dear(my name), This past month has been the best month of my
life and i wouldn’t wanna spend this 1 month with
anyone else💜You literally make everyday better when
i’m talking to you because you make me the happiest
person. It kills me that i cant be with you in person
everyday because all i want to do is to be able to kiss you
and be with you everyday😘 There is no one in the world id
rather be with over you because you are the most amazing,
beautiful, caring, funny, cutest girl in the world. Being
able to call you mine is the best thing in the world because
you make everything better. You are the one person I go to
talk to if i’m ever feeling down because I know you
would give your honest opinion about everything. I cant not
talk to you for like more than an hour because id probs go
insane. Basically I’m saying is that I need you in my
life because life without you wouldn’t be the same.
We’ve been through ups and downs in our relationship
and it’s normal to fight because we’re not always
gonna get along although i wish we did. So che posso essere
molto testardo e vago quando parliamo di come mi sento, ma
alla fine ti dirò tutto proprio come se fossi in grado
di parlarti delle mie cicatrici. Mi ci vuole solo del tempo
per aprirmi su quella roba.(I know i can be very stubborn and
vague when it come to talking about how i feel but eventually
i will tell you everything just like was able to tell you
about my s. It just takes time for me to open up about that
stuff) One day i really hope we will be to meet so that you
can see me play hockey so i can smile at you every time i
score a goal and so you can wear my jersey. Anyways im
ranting now just so i can make it longer so im gonna stop
now😂 Je t’aime tellement ( i love you a lot) A tous
les jours je réveille excité de parler a toi
toute la journée❤️ (everyday i wake up excited to
talk to you all day) Sei mio per sempre (you are my forever).
J’espère que on peut être ensemble pour un
longtemps parce que je ne sais pas quoi faire sans
vous💓🔒(i hope we will be together for a longtime
because i dont know what i’d do without you)
J’aimerais être avec toi pour cette
journée mais c’est correcte🙁🙂 (i’d
love to spend the day with you but its okay). Ce mois
passé a été le meilleur mois de ma vie
et je t'aime tellement pour ça❤️(this past
month has been the best month of my life and i love you so
much for that) Happy 1 Month I love you❤️❤️