His Princess*

Status: You are beautiful
Joined: November 4, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 374298
Location: Lost
Gender: F
I wanna be the girl that wakes up in the morning and the devil says crap she's up

Quotes by His Princess*

If you could hear everything everyone said about you, who would you listen to?

the stars went out
and I cant seem to find the plug
to turn them back on

Format by Breeze

I feel like the whole world is falling apart

and its my fault

format by fake_a_smile


If eyes could speak

 I wouldnt have to talk


ok you guys its snowing but the news just announced waffle house is open so you can go get your hot coffee and a waffle...as long as you have a snow plow
we were riding down the road on the way to school today and I looked at the license plate of the car beside me and it said PMS 8434, I started laughing then my sister said a man was driving which made me laugh harder, poor guy

Gotta find your inner strength
If you can't then just throw life away
Gotta learn to rely on you
Beauty, strength and wisdom too

You're beautiful inside and out
Lead a great life without a doubt
Don't need a man to make things fair
'Cuz more then likely he won't be there
Listen girl, gotta know it's true
In the end all you've got is you

I wish there were instructions on how to survive life....
I wish we could be together all the time.