Austin Spencer Santos
Im sixteen. I don't need haters, got enough
of those at school. But I understand, haters gotta hate. Disney Movies, Glee, Soccer, Helping People In Africa, One Direction, Christmas, Cuddling, and the one. I'm looking for a friend as crazy
as me, if that's not you, get your ass out of here bitch. :p
(rachellaringo32's quote and format) removal of this results in death.
i have those same bunny ears
someone understands me
Aw Thank you cx
I had to read that a few times to get what it meant but thank you (: <3
Bye bye. Take care.
I love you too and hopefully I'll have the chance to talk to you again ♥
Save the eggs, dude.
he really likes her.
I deleted it because.. :)
i don't know :(
Told you that I am a mess :D
I didn't want to insult you.
really man?
I hate vampires..
Like they really like me :)