
Joined: July 9, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 115576
Hello, I had said I wouldn't be making layouts anymore,but after witty updated it's look, I felt bad that none of my layouts were compatible. I will make a few layouts that are compatible and those will be posted here. Please leave credit on the layouts. It's tiny and it does not interfere with your life, so let it be. DO NOT change around the colors and then claim the layout as your own because it's not. If I find you stealing my codes, you will regret you ever did. IMPORTANT: Post the whole code in the source of the about me.
Updates: 2 new layouts added. Enjoy! :) 6 October 2012.
Terms of Service:
1) Do not redistribute codes
2) Leave all credit

best viewed in google chrome.
© this layout was coded by Sandrasaurus.

_RandomRequests's Favorite Quotes

Isn't it crazy how we can
look back a year ago.. & realize how much everything has changed? The amount of people that have left your life, entered, & stayed. The memories you won't forget & the moments you wish you did. Everything. It's crazy how that happened all in one year.
This quote does not exist.

          you don't
my tears.    llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

They say you don't know what you got till its gone.
    Truth is         you               knew exactly what you had; you just never     ♥       thought            you'd lose it.

  we all hope.
it's what keeps us alive.

look in your eyes & see a simple  c o l o r
but when I look in them, I see my past.
I see nights I  w i s h e d wouldn't end,
I    see    you    promising   me   forever,
I  see  that  smile  I  lost    so   long   ago
but what I don't see is the reason why
you     pretend     we     never     meant

everything to each other

Remember when,
everyone on witty was nice and no one judged?
yeah lets get back to that.
