
Joined: June 1, 2012
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: August 21
user id: 304701
Location: Sweet Home Alabama
Gender: F

Quotes by alisonDB21

R2D2 was the most vulgar character of all time.

They beeped out every single word he said.

me: look at this bad weather, can't go to class
me: look at this beautiful weather, can't waste it in class

I hate when I'm drinking
and the ice just attacks
my face

I hate it when I add a funny quote,
and it gets no faves,
then some person goes
and adds the exact same quote
and it ends up as one of the
top quotes.

"It's just so hard."

That's what she said.

Hey I just met you,
and this is crazy.

I should study.
But I'm too lazy.
Myth: Gingers don't have souls

Fact: Gingers earn a freckle for every soul they steal
That moment when
you're having a conversation
in your head you realize
you're making faces that
go along with the silent
Reasons I don't look out my window at night:

1% I'm afraid of the dark
99: I'm afraid I might see a face looking at me
When your reaction to seeing a hot guy is strangely similar to a dog spotting a squirrel
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