
Status: Too fab for you, b/tch. :)
Joined: March 11, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: February 27
user id: 282699
Location: vancity
Gender: F

Quotes by azncutiepie



I  have loved you for 

A Thousand years.

Memories stay, people don't.

I'm a thinker not a talker.


y o u ' r e   n o t h i n g ,
b u t   a  p r e t  t  y  b o y.

I do 5 sit-ups every morning. May not sound like much,
but there are so many times you can hit the snooze button.


I wish there were a pen that can copy and paste.


   Teenager post # 6892

That awkward moment
when you have to make
up an excuse not to hang
out with someone
because you'd rather chill
at home...

I feel like a freaking potato when i'm with my bestfriend.
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