
Joined: July 16, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 317991
Heyyy it is Rebecca here. I'm sixteen years old born on December 2nd. I love friends, reading and going to the beach and the movies. My main acoount is becca6239 That is all! :D

Quotes by beccaforever97

I wish I could just give up.

There's nothing to be happy about anymore.

Do what makes you happy every minute of every day.

I wish I had someone to count on.

Sometimes I wish that I could disappear.

I hate this image that we are supposed to live up to. We are supposed to be different. Why does it matter if I don't wear Hollister or Abercrombie, wear make up, if I'm not skinny, have acne and I'm not pretty. Why judge it is my life not yours. Our differences make us beautiful.