
Joined: February 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 154425

the name is Bryanna.
age? 16!(:
birthday? July 4th, 1997
height? SHORT AND PROUD OF IT! :D 5 feet! WOOT WOOT.
I've changed,  I think I truly have, I see the world so differently now... and I actually feel happy about it too . my friends haave always been there for me, yes they have seen me at my worst and stayed for me until my best. I am actually understanding the opposite gender or male gender more, i hate man-whores. they can seriously kiss my a** if they think playing a girl is fine, really are you 5? heartbreaks hurt, but i guess everything happens for a reason and idc I know that there is a guy out there for me(: Please, talk to me, I love talking to anyone/everyone(: I live in Wisconcsin and yes, we do experience every season in less than one day, and i love every minute of it!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! PEACE OUT EVERYONE!(;
love me, or hate me either way you are thinking bout meh!(:
BLAh blaH blah, tell it to someone who cares, wait, i do care!!!
You're the apple to my pie the straw to my berry, your the one i wanna maRRy<3
baby, i think i wannna maryy YOU!<3

where dem girlz at!
OH this has gotta be a g00d life, a g00d, GooD LIFE<3
Image 2 of 8 Image 7 of 17Image 3 of 17Image 5 of 17<img type="text/css" _rr"="" data-cke-saved-src="<style id="> body, a, a:hover, input, textarea{cursor:url(,progress}Image 16 of 66/_sandrasaurus/_RandomRequests/ImperfectPerfectly.jpg" />Image 3 of 17

Quotes by beedabrave2341

How many favorites for....

I  k n o w  I ' m  a c t u a l l y  b r u n e t t e ,  b u t   s o m e t i m es 

I  f e e l  l i k e  I  h a v e  m o r e 
b l o n d e  m o m e n ts                    

t h a n   a n  a c t u a l   b l o n d e . . .


Format by Sandrasaurus

There's this boy...

I  t h i n k  I  c a r e   m o r e  a b o u t 

h o w  G o d  s e e s  m e  

A n d   h o w   I   s e e  m y s e l  f

 T h a n   w h a t   s o c i e t y   s a y s   a b o u t    m e .

<  3


Format by Sandrasaurus

I need someone to hug me so tight, I 

will be begging to breathe.<3


Format by twilightgirl995

 T o b e y o u r s e l f  i n a w o r l d t h a t  i s  t r ying   t o  m a k e  y o u  s o m e t h i n g  e l s e
Is truly amazing.(:
--------------- --------------- N M Q



Okay, you have to admit..
finishing a chapstick is quite an accomplishment(:

You were born to be real,  
not perfect.<3


Someone talk to me?
 I dont bite, promise(:
--------------- --------------- N M Q



Life without you would be like a broken pencil...