I know that no one is going to read this, as basically no one
seems to be using this website anymore. However, I've nothing
better to do but post on here anyway.
Witty Profiles used to be a pretty booming website. There were
plenty of users on here, mostly teenage girls, so it was a nice
place to go and vent if you needed people to understand you. Who
is going to understand a teenage girl better than other teenage
Though I have gotten quite a bit older than when I first joined
this site (2011 is when I joined, 7 years is quite a long time).
I joined when I was in 10th/11th grade, I'm not sure exactly
the time I joined. Which would put me at about 16 or 17 years
Reading my old posts on here is pretty much like reading old
posts on Facebook; super embarrassing and I cringe at most of
them. Well, most of the older ones. Some of the newer ones on my
page are song lyrics and they aren't nearly as awful.
I guess the point of this post is
that I've changed throughout the years, as have many others
who have used this site at least once or twice in their lifetime.
This site was an outlet for me when I was a teenager and I had no
where else to go to vent my feelings.
I'm 23 years old now, I'm a
drastically different person than I was 7 years ago. My feelings
have changed along with pretty much everything else about me. I
will always be appreciative of this site and what it had helped
me get through during the angsty days of my teenage
Thank you,