Hi Steve! I'm reconnecting with my high school friends, and that prompted me to log back in to my Witty account! This site holds a lot of memories for me from my high school years, both good and bad. It's great to see my growth through my account and previous accounts I used. Hope you're doing well and your further endeavors have been productive.
Best Wittians, in my opinion, would have to be MissAnna, requiem (obligatory bestie mention), aellyniq, destabilise, irrestible & fulldark.
There's probably a million others whose quotes I adore, but most of them are pretty inactive now :(
((I just noticed several people have put my username. 'scuse me while I squeal.))
Hey, Steve, how do you actually 'win' a contest? Is it like most faves in a day/week or what? Do you get notified? http://ryansmist.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/confused-cat-random.jpg
I still have to write the part that lists the winners. I think it will be whichever quotes got the most faves when the contest ended. Or maybe just whichever quotes got the most faves to date.
In this window, I have facebook, tumblr, and a second witty tab.
In the second window, I have three tabs of readings I have to do for a class, two tabs of weekly study guides and a unit guide.
...I should be studying, essentially.
Hey Steve, I think I found a bug!
When this quote of mine (http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/6899988) comes up on any of the feeds (newest, quotes from people you are following etc.) it says it has 63 comments, but there's actually no comments on it??
Hmm. I saw that happen a couple of times when I was moving the database back and forth between servers. A few weeks ago I rewrote some of the code to set the initial comment and fave counts in cache to zero instead of always looking these numbers up in the database. There's a comment there that says "these comments are just repeating" -- maybe someone spammed the quote with comments and then they got deleted, but the count in cache didn't get cleared. These counts fix themselves eventually every few days when the value gets looked up again from the database and placed in cache.
It only shows as [deleted] if the comment has a reply to it (unless you've also deleted the reply.)
To get it so the comment is completely gone, delete from the bottom up. So, to remove my comment and yours, Steve would first delete my comment, then yours.
There's probably a million others whose quotes I adore, but most of them are pretty inactive now :(
((I just noticed several people have put my username. 'scuse me while I squeal.))
In the second window, I have three tabs of readings I have to do for a class, two tabs of weekly study guides and a unit guide.
...I should be studying, essentially.
((I know this cause I just had one of my quotes come up in the judging C: )
When this quote of mine (http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/6899988) comes up on any of the feeds (newest, quotes from people you are following etc.) it says it has 63 comments, but there's actually no comments on it??
To get it so the comment is completely gone, delete from the bottom up. So, to remove my comment and yours, Steve would first delete my comment, then yours.