
Joined: March 27, 2013
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 354556
Gender: F
Aeternum et Semper.
Always me.
Always you.
One time. One place.
In your dreams I await.
Hoping you want my heart to take.
If you don't, then I could search anew.
But there is nobody in the world like you.

Quotes by calimarie

it was a bench seat without a second spot, it was a queen bed that its side lost, it was one boot without its dusty pair
sometimes it was easy to not notice it, but like a cup without a bottom it was almost always screaming for attention
a heart with a hole was not a whole heart until its hole was whole once more
butwe already went separate ways, so the bottom of my heart was not one with its top

The point of being with you was to prove to myself that I was over you, but you...

You made me fall in love again with your sweet words and deceptions that you still harbored feelings for me too.

So when I held you in my arms, I wasn't holding the shell of the man I loved,

But him indeed.

If only I had known that it was just a beautiful tactic to sleep with another beautiful girl.
If Life is running a little flat and there's too many scratches, flip it to the B side
Got depression? Bipolar? Autism? OCD? Schizophrenia?

Don't let it ever get you down. You can move past it, just like these people did:

Ben Stiller - bipolar

Einstein - OCD, autism, depression

Jim Carrey - depression

Billy Joel - depression, alcoholism

John Nash - schizophrenia

Carrie Fisher - depression, manic depressive

Axl Rose - bipolar

David Beckham - very strong OCD

Virginia Woolf - bipolar

Michelangelo - autism, OCD

Leonardo DiCaprio - OCD

These people all dealt and overcame. So can you. Go be the next Kurt Cobain - who had bipolar depression - or the next Drew Carey - who had depression - or even the next Justin Timberlake - OCD and ADD.

Go out there. And just be you.

i’m trying not to cry because my brother randomly comes up to me and sings to me like he does when i cry. when i was crying it was because i was so close to killing myself, and his sparkling eyes and smiling face broke my heart. he never knew how bad it hurt, and all he did was try to make me smile. all i can think of is what his face would look like when he sees his big sissy bled out on the carpet. he’d blame himself. he’d inherit my depression. he would cry and be angry and keep blaming himself. he’d hurt and he’d hurt so bad he would want to die too. he’d grow up with this black hole where his heart was. he’d either find drugs or alcohol to take the pain away, or he’d start to self-harm. those sparkling eyes would dull to a faded glassy stare, and that smile would only appear when he was alone and singing our songs. he would find my favorite playlist, playing it over and over, and finally picking out “Adam’s Song,” he would realize how much life hurt. someday he would listen to that song one last time, then find his big sissy again.

and that shatters my heart...

"Someone once told me that our good traits are on our backs, so when we look in the mirror, we never see them. But we so often see others' traits and think we don't have any. 'I don't have any good traits,' you say. 'I hate myself.' Don't say that. It's there, even if you don't see it. Believe me."
Life is an interesting journey. You never know where it'll take you. Peaks and valleys, twists and turns. You could get the surprise of your life. Sometimes on the way to where you’re going, you might think, “This is the worst time of my life,” but you know what? At the end of the road, through all the adversity, if you could get to where you wanted to be, you remember whatever don't kill you make you stronger and all the adversity was worth it. On the way to the top, you'll do anything, but how do you get your life back when you get there? Yeah, that's my dilemma.
I see you deleted most of my pictures off Instagram. You're finally getting over me. It still hurts really bad. You don't realize that it hurt me more than it hurt you. You betrayed me in the worst way possible, and I couldn't deal with that again. I miss you horribly and I regret it somedays but maybe this is just how it has to be.
He wanted to give me a pet name but all he could think of was
"Han Brolo"