
Joined: March 3, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 280244

Hey! I'm Taylor :)
Thank you for visiting my page
my best friend is Starmoonsun87 if you have time could you please follow me and her? ;) if you do thank you oh, i follow back
if i could meet 3 people or bands itt would be
1.Cody Simpson ;)
2.Alli Simpson
3.One Direction

here in the past few weeks Alli Simpson has became one of my role models, she is an actress and a model. if you dont know who she is its cody simpson's sister. she has an awesome style in clothing and stuff likie that and i hope one day i will be like she and be famous like her she is awesome and agaon she's one of my role models ;)

hobbies and favorites
Cody Simpson <3
one direction i love them <3 ;)
Alli Simpson
going to the beach
Spending time with my Family and Friends
and much much more :)

Things i want to do
meet cody simpson
and alli simpson
meet one directionnnnnn!!!!!

Role Models
Alli Simpson
Bethany Hamilton
Selena Gomez

Thank you for reading this :)
not my pictures on here



follow me? ill follow back - Profile Counters

Quotes by codysimpsoncrs

4 of them is from British
1 of them is from Irish


convo i had with a guy that goes to my school my best friend thought he was stupid when i told her about this
but i couldnt stop laughing.

the guy: buddddaaayyyy!
me: haha
the guy: guess what
the guy: i got stolen by korean gangsters but they paid my mom to take me back
me:hahaaha wow, thats cool..
the guy: is that wow like yayyy or like wow hes a reatard
me:um, i dont know, its wow like wow
the guy: bye

true story
he tried texting my best friend and she ignored him ahaha i think thats what im going to do next time!
Friends are like diamonds *precious* and *rare*
false friends are like leaves found everywhere ♥

there are three levels of



Excruciating pain


Stepping on a lego.



Here's to the kids,
who have stomped on their capri sun, but the straw doesn't come out becuase it got stuck.
The other day i saw that one of the top quotes was about people wanting Christian Bale (batman) to go see the some of the victims that got shot at the midnight showing of the new batman movie. Well, i saw on facebook that he did go see some of the victims of that shooting that were still in the hospital. i just thought I would tell you guys because as soon as i saw it i thought of that quote i saw on here :)

that annoying moment when
 the song you hate gets stuck in your head

should i continue? seires?


that annoying moment when
you destroy your paper while erasing something

should i continue? seires?
