Hey! I'm Taylor :)
Thank you for visiting my page
my best friend is Starmoonsun87 if you have time could you please follow me and her? ;) if you do thank you oh, i follow back
if i could meet 3 people or bands itt would be
1.Cody Simpson ;)
2.Alli Simpson
3.One Direction
here in the past few weeks Alli Simpson has became one of my role models, she is an actress and a model. if you dont know who she is its cody simpson's sister. she has an awesome style in clothing and stuff likie that and i hope one day i will be like she and be famous like her she is awesome and agaon she's one of my role models ;)
hobbies and favorites
Cody Simpson <3
one direction i love them <3 ;)
Alli Simpson
going to the beach
Spending time with my Family and Friends
and much much more :)
Things i want to do
meet cody simpson
and alli simpson
meet one directionnnnnn!!!!!
Role Models
Alli Simpson
Bethany Hamilton
Selena Gomez
Thank you for reading this :)
not my pictures on here