
Joined: May 22, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 176426
Location: Uk
Gender: F

Quotes by creamatedcookie

Im really sick of getting werid looks on the street
just cause of how I dress and how I do my hair
Im really sick of getting werid looks on the street
just cause of how I dress and how I do my hair
for some reason i decided to write another story
so dont laugh at me if its s/it
just casually drowning my sorrows in apple juice
If i see you in person and you bring up my old stories that ive posted on here 
I can not be held accoutable for my actions
so precede with caution
going on the story section of witty always manages to make me feel throughly depressed 
I think my parents are on the slow road to dis-owning me
Looking through the top quotes ever gives me such a sense of nostalgia 
Looking through my old comments and seeing that i always wrote "Thanxxx"
Makes me want to shoot myself
Havent been on here in over a year , but thanks to the 79 people who continue to follow my account even though i havent done anything on here for so long