Page 46 of Apple's iOS
7 Terms and Conditions:
3. Transfer. You may not rent,
lease, lend, sell, redistribute, or sublicense the iOS
Software. You may,
however (a)
Oh you know what? This is page 46, nobody’s still reading
this. I bet only about five people clicked to read the T&Cs in
the first place- we might as well say anything we like.
Tony on floor 5 of Apple HG smells of sardines.
When someone sends a funny email around the offices we have to
reply with iLaughed. It’s in our job descriptions.
Remember that legal kerfuttle over the Apple & Apple studios?
Want to know how we fixed it? We bought The Beatles. WE have the
surviving ones come and sing to us for scraps. We’re looking
at ways to reanimate the dead ones.
The canteen only sells apple products. Apples, apple, juice, apple
flapjacks, toffee apples. We get fired if we’re caught eating
anything without apples in it. IM ALLERGIC TO APPLES AND I’M
We faked the moon landings. Did it in 2008, then brainwashed you
all to believe it happened in 1969, just because we could. If
anyone finds out I’ve leaked this information, I’ll be
killed. But no one will ever, ever read this.
(b) you do not retain any copies of the iOS Software, full or
partial, including copies stored on a computer or other storage
device; and (c) the party receiving iOS software reads and agrees
to accept the terms and conditions of this license.