Do you want to know what you mean to me?
nothing. so go away.
don't scroll
past this quote
theres this guy (tyler) that goes to philo
high school in zanesville, ohio,
he's a senior and a
baseball player, and he was recently
diagnosed with cancer, so we're all asking
for some prayers and trying to get the
word around. currently we're all trying
to get #TeamTyler trending on twitter.
A tweet about it, or some prayers would
be greatly appreciated.
FAV, get the word around. we NEED
prayers, TYLER needs prayers.
he NEEDS a miracle. ♥
#TeamTyler #TeamTyler
My name is Emily. I am 14. I
wouldn't say im the most popular girl in my school, but I
have great friends that I can count on. Recently my mom was
having really bad back and neck pains. She has been going to the
doctor and they're saying she has something serious. They
don't know what it is yet, but they're guessing MS.
Multiple Sclerosis. MS is a really serious disease that happens
in episodes. Some episodes are severe and cause the person so be
in a wheelchair and some episodes just make you a little weak. My
mom was really active and had no health issues that we knew of.
To find out that she might be in a wheelchair soon is gut
wrenching. I can't even think about it. Imagine getting the
news that your mom could be in a wheel chair soon. I didn't
make this quote for "faves" or "popularity"
but to show that this is not going to bring me or my family down.
We are going to fight through it no matter what. I love my mom so
Fave this in support of anyone who has life-threatning