Hey gus, my name is Elyssa.I'mm the kind of girl who loves to get lost in the music I listen to, or read a good book and never put it down untilI I'm done with it. I laugh way too much, and I rarely ever give second chances, so if I do you better not screw it up. My favorite thing to do is travel and sing when i can't travel. I believe that friends, family, individuality, and love are the keys to happiness and I will never judge anyone because I've been on the other side of that way too many times. I do my best not to push others away since people are all I have left. You are all beautiful and you deserve a lot more than you realize. I love you all!!!!
Follow theses people!!!
Darkeyeangel, Clearlytruthful, Rajsonkar, TheHaflback, Pepperdaddy, Alohaaa, BruisedKnees, CharliesTheName, Somy_a_f, magestic1080, and skaterrules.
If you are ever in any times of trouble or need, I will always be here for you. To listen. To help. And to be that friend that will be there for you. Always and forever. You should never be hurting. For you deserve the best. You're beautiful.
Heyy girl. I miss you. I just wanted to say hey! I haven't forgotten about you. Sorry I don't come on much at all anymore. If you have a kik or email or tumblr just message me there. I posted a few quotes and such about it. Just stay alive for me love. Love you
Heyy girl. I've been doing just fine and you?? I almost never come on anymore tbh. If you want you could email me at doublesidedice1@gmail.com but I don't come on here much at all anymore :/
I know and I thank you loads and i'm always here for you too okay? I just feel like a burden so I'm trying to keep things more to myself. You sure? Same
Heyy. I'm fine and you?? I have a tumblr too!!! Mine is doublesidedice. I've forgotten which Wittians I've told that to xD but yah. I'm fine. Thanks girl. You too :) I know this is late but still. Happy new years
Oh I actually have 2 tumblrs, one happy (rochellekeys) and one not-so-happy (let-me-know-me). I'll follow you on both of them and you can follow me too if you want :)
Same. I've been doin a lot better with all my stuff tho. My mom made me go see a therapist and it actually really helped. I've been doing a lot of anti-suicide stuff and helping people with their struggles. Its so freeing. And I just wanted to say thanks because without you constantly posting and telling me I was worth something I wouldn't be here
I know and I thank you loads and i'm always here for you too okay? I just feel like a burden so I'm trying to keep things more to myself. You sure? Same
I know and I thank you loads and i'm always here for you too okay? I just feel like a burden so I'm trying to keep things more to myself. You sure? Same
I know and I thank you loads and i'm always here for you too okay? I just feel like a burden so I'm trying to keep things more to myself. You sure? Same
I know and I thank you loads and i'm always here for you too okay? I just feel like a burden so I'm trying to keep things more to myself. You sure? Same
Yeah. I have an issue with people that think I'm a b.tch for breaking up with my bfs. Sorry but I'm not gonna pointlessly lead them on. That'd be worse...
I know and I thank you loads and i'm always here for you too okay? I just feel like a burden so I'm trying to keep things more to myself. You sure? Same
I'm trying to help my friend breakup with someone. She wants to because shes falling for someone else, but she feels awful about it .-. Shed just hurt him more if she waited so ya know...
Yeah. I have an issue with people that think I'm a b.tch for breaking up with my bfs. Sorry but I'm not gonna pointlessly lead them on. That'd be worse...
I know and I thank you loads and i'm always here for you too okay? I just feel like a burden so I'm trying to keep things more to myself. You sure? Same
You can always kik me there :)
You can always kik me there :)
Mine was decent as well. I mainly chopped wood, hten went inside to chill out.
How have you been?
meh, yeah
How have you been?
meh, yeah
How have you been?
so, how's you?
meh, yeah
How have you been?
so, how's you?
meh, yeah
How have you been?
so, how's you?
meh, yeah
How have you been?