Hey gus, my name is Elyssa.I'mm the kind of girl who loves to get lost in the music I listen to, or read a good book and never put it down untilI I'm done with it. I laugh way too much, and I rarely ever give second chances, so if I do you better not screw it up. My favorite thing to do is travel and sing when i can't travel. I believe that friends, family, individuality, and love are the keys to happiness and I will never judge anyone because I've been on the other side of that way too many times. I do my best not to push others away since people are all I have left. You are all beautiful and you deserve a lot more than you realize. I love you all!!!!
Follow theses people!!!
Darkeyeangel, Clearlytruthful, Rajsonkar, TheHaflback, Pepperdaddy, Alohaaa, BruisedKnees, CharliesTheName, Somy_a_f, magestic1080, and skaterrules.
If you are ever in any times of trouble or need, I will always be here for you. To listen. To help. And to be that friend that will be there for you. Always and forever. You should never be hurting. For you deserve the best. You're beautiful.
I think I've sung this to random guys at my school. People I've never seen before keep asking me for my number. When I say I don't know them they say "you can get to know me, baby ;)" so ya know. Pull out the song lyrics and such xD
well in Australia its bad because its like the only year that actually matters, the marks go towards your HSC which is important, very stressful and lots of studying!
Yeah. I know I loved him. I just can't believe he'd doubt it. Idk. He's already told me he wants to smash my boyfriend's face through a window anyways....idk :/
Yeah, maybe he's just insecure. Maybe he finds it hard to beleieve that anyone would love him. I'm not sure, but just hope for the best beautiful Elyssa.
hope the rest helps you