
Joined: April 11, 2014
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 380895






foreverbrokenhearted's Favorite Quotes

Men sleeping is just so adorable to me.
Idk why lol. It's like y'all finally peaceful &
not doing anything dumb. I love it.
maybe if i wasn't a füčk up 
you'd still be here with me 
but you aren't
and theres nothing i can do 
and i hate myself for still loving you

So scared of breaking it
                             that you won't let it bend

my mind is screaming but my lips can't translate
they say it always gets better
all of them always say the same
but how come it's 7 months later
and i'm still crying out your name

I wish I never met you; that's
          how much I regret you.


they say it's insane when you think somebody is gonna change when they won't. I'm getting tired of this recital. is it even worth fighting for?


everybody has a chapter they don't read out loud
I need to stop fantasizing about running away to some other life and start figuring out the one I have.
Being with you was terrifying.
But being without you? So much worse.