
Joined: October 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 222687
I aM rAnDoM!!!!!!! WhAt MoRe CaN i SaY?!?!?!?! teehee

Quotes by girlpower12121

one day you will look back and think,
I made it.

Love is when you want someone with all your heart
But true knowing you can never have the person yet letting them live their lives without you because all that matters is their happiness....even if it doesnt involve you and instead someone else.
 And being able to actually accpet it.

My quote!

& you said you loved me

then you ripped out my heart

I dreamt about you....only to find out that you do actually exist!!! I am so happy :)

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
That boy you want
isnt good enough for you

Violets are Blue
Roses are Red
The one you deserve
is not just in your head

This is my qoute :D I made it

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I am beautiful!
You are too!

Violets are Blue
Roses are Red
Why can you not
Get that though you thick head!?

This is my qoute. I made it up

& one day you will look back and think, I made it.
That awkward moment
when you are watching paranormal activity and you hear a bump in the night...then you remember you live across the road from the cemetery.....yeah I turned into a ninja that night.

Roses are red,
Violets are Blue,
I don't know why
but i love you.

Violets are blue,
Roses are red
Because of you,
now, this love is dead!!!