
Joined: May 10, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 359847
Gender: F
�Haii!� I'm a teen full of randomness. Sometimes I think too much and wonder if I will exploded.... If you follow me, I'll follow back :) Life goes on | Let it go if you can't change it | I love reading quotes and writing. I work towards my goal by doing minor things. My nights usually consists food, music, books, and my computer. Now that's all I'm gonna put so people don't stalk me..!

Comments to hahainsanelyweird

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ChocoTaco 1 decade ago
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Welcome to Witty! You are gonna love it here, and I like your quotes so far :3
hahainsanelyweird 1 decade ago
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Thanks :D and I know I will :]
ChocoTaco 1 decade ago
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Anytime <33