
Joined: June 28, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 312752
Gender: F
Hi I'm Abbey. I'm 14. Freshiee. I love soccer and track, but most of all ONE DIRECTION. Those boys are my life. I'm not a people person. I practically hate everyone in my school. If you follow I love youu!

Twitter: aabbbbeeyyy
Tumblr: fly-away-with-meee.tumblr.com
Instagram: abbey_eames

(+) One Direction, Food, Ed Sheeran, Tacos, Honey Boo Boo, MATH, running

(-) People, country music, people, Florida, people.

Quotes by harrysexystyles

i'm not anyone's first choice.

or second.  

i'm more like their 23445678545301204040 choice.


I didn't chose the third wheel life.

The third wheel life chose me.


& today,
he asked me out, & I said YES.

JK, I ate a whole sub and went on Witty all day.


today in class....
       we were talking about my obsession with one direction and this kid in my group looked
me straight in the eyes and said you know you'll never meet them. I know it's true
 but it just kills me inside
to think that even the slightest bit of that is
                                            a c t u a l l y  t r u e  .                                       .                                         


can i just skip to; 

the good part of my life?



Some Girl
people are really dum out there >.< Like· Comment · 3 minutes ago · 


I want tgo thomecoming ...

But I have  

No one to go with.
only me?



  M         Q/NMF


Where do you find the html code for a boyfriend?



friend: my boyfriend looks good in skinny pants.
another friend:my boyfriend looks good in shorts.
me: My boyfriend looks good in 1080HQ on Youtube.
