Status: Ain't Nobody Got time Fo Dat
Joined: April 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 162121
Location: England
Gender: F
I am Francesca (iAmFRANCESCA)... See what I did there? I'm that weird girl who LOVES Spiderman and The Hulk and gaming and YouTube (PewDiePie ShaneDawsonTV, JennaMarbles, danisnotonfire.. just a few of my favourite channels). I'm from England and the Americans seem to have it fixed in their brains that is a good thing because of One Direction... Yeah that is NOT the deffinition of Britain, okay? Anyways, go and follow my best friend Bethany she is also on Witty Profiles (BethPress) <------- THAT'S HER!!!
Have a nice day stranger :)