
Joined: September 7, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 371153
Gender: F
pro procrastinor and breather. not good at anything else.

Quotes by imthebrunette

I'm only human,

x-x-x-x and I crash and I break down. x-x-x-x

Does anyone else
create a dance of multiple people in their heads whilst listening to music? Lol.

I remember in second grade
I had this crush on a boy ( can't remember his name, he
moved ) and i would try SO HARD to get his attention. 
Like i hung out with him and his friends evem if he tried
to get me to go away, and now look at me. I can hardly
even talk to a boy without going, "uhh... fhekjgwkjgbw?"

format jimmy365


they used to tell me I was silly, until i popped up on the tv.   « «

Hate on me hater,
now or later, 'cus i'm gonna do me, you be mad baby?

I wish you noticed me.

I really wish,

  Bulid-a-bra existed.


Please promise me you'll

never forget me.


You're amazing.
Whether you believe it or not, you are, because look at those arms! Those legs! Those eyes, eyebrows, nostrils even! You're blessed to have such a beautiful beating heart and the ability to think correctly while others can't. You're a 100% working miracle. Congrats. <3

today in school
i was walking to lunch and this random guy looked at me and winked and now i'm scared


f o r m a t  j i m m y 3 6 5 n m q!