i always wanted to be the person that gets to say HEY I'M _______ AND YOU'RE WATCHING DISNEY CHANNE
November 2, 2012
Last Seen:
1 decade
user id:
To Infinity And Beyond
HEY I'M _______ AND YOU'RE WATCHING DISNEY CHANNELHey I'm Jessie and I'm 16 years old. I was born on March 22.. do I have any witty twins? My sister Hailey(idocartwheels on witty) made this account for me.. I love it! Please no hate.. I just love reading all these cute and funny quotes! Thanks for being so lovable and follow for a follow! I could use some witty friends since I'm very new to this. Thanks everyone love you<3
thank you. &lol. That was the funniest thing I have
heard, you are way prettier than me, &perfect. You
really are gorgeous! &awh thanks. Thats nice to hear.<3
will you be mine?:)
I was wondering if you would check out my 1D fanfic-
Over Again.
Thanks so much!
heard, you are way prettier than me, &perfect. You
really are gorgeous! &awh thanks. Thats nice to hear.<3