I just don't have time for Witty anymore. Bye guys. :/
February 8, 2011
Last Seen:
1 decade
August 16
user id:
Guess whos back, back again
Maria's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back,
guess who's back ;)
Heyheyhey! The prologue of my new story, Beautiful Disaster is up. I hope you enjoy it! Y'all know the drill, comment if you want a reminder.
The reason it took me so long to upload is because I've had heaps of assignments to do & I've been deciding if I want to finish one more story on Witty, which obviously I am doing :) I don't think this story will be very long but this is the least I can do because you're all so amazing and when I'm famous, I'm going to buy you all a cat!
Heyyy!!!! You're profile pretty much describes me... actually it DOES describe me except for Gallagher Girls and the Daughters because I haven't read them... yet. And the fact that I'm a freshman. But besides that.... yeah! Hahaha you seem pretty amazing I'm going to go follow you if I'm not following you already!!!!!!!!!
Hi love(:
In case you haven't noticed, I'M BAAAACK!
And with a new story(:
But I started writing again about a month ago and it felt weird not to be posting it and I really really missed you guys.
Now, I understand if you've moved on with your life and grew up and have decided I'm not worth your time, I'D FEEL THE SAME WAY.
Buuuuuut, if by some odd chance, you still have a minute for lil old me, I would so appreciate it you were all like, 'HEY. I'LL READ YOUR STORY FOR OLD TIME'S SAKE."
Either way, I love you all forever.
Aighty, I'll leave you alone now.
But yahh, give me your opinion pwease(:
Greetings from the north pole!
Yep, that's right, I'm hanging out with Santa right now (:
& I can see each and everyone of you with Santas power!
I'm going to send an email or something to MTV and say they should go to the north pole and see santas crib for MTV cribs ;)
New chapters up <3
You're size has nothing to do with how pretty you are, you're beautiful no matter what. Love yourself and don't forget to smile. :)
oooo i havnt seen that but should watch it heheheheheehe
yes you should ;p
lol thats awesome then you guys can like go on a date in the snow and everything <33 haha
Hellooo c:
How are y'all?
It's kinda weird... I never say y'all when I'm speaking to someone in person but on the internet I'm all like y'all, y'all,y'all, y'all.
It was super hot today, I went in the pool & now I'm sitting in my room in shorts ((yeeeppp, sorry to disappoint all the boys outside my house, hoping I'm naked)) drinking a slurpee and cue brain freeze!
Chapter 3 is up!! Enjoy.
7 days left to live. 7 days left to confess your undying love to me guys!
I am totally gonna get a text from a guy who I happen to be in love with saying, 'If the world ends today, I just want you to know I love you.'
Lol, no.
Chapter 2 is up, lovely!
heheheh yes hes cute ;)
spain was awesome kinda alot but awesome aha
and yes very complicated but yeah i dont think ihe likes me anymore which is good cause hes so cute but i dont think so hhaha
omigosh i love danisnotonfire!!!!!!! hehehe
o yes indeed ;)
aawwww i saw the pics hes so cute!!!!! you guys would make an adorable couple!!!!!
well i went to spain for 3 months for to do school there and i still cuoldnt get that guy out of my mind the one that you know about but i kinda had a crush on this guy in my class and after i left i found out he liked me to but by then i had mostly gotten over him and i like the other guy more but i didnt want to tell the other guy cause i wont see him for a long time and i didnt want to hurt him cause hes my friend but i think hes over it by now im not sure though and i still like that other guy but not as much so yeahhh
yes i should shoulnt i? ;) haha
awwww thats adorible i wana see a pic of him hehe thats awesome that his bro tells you stuff haha so he talks about you alot
my love life is hmmm interesting
Maria's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back,
guess who's back ;)
Heyheyhey! The prologue of my new story, Beautiful Disaster is up. I hope you enjoy it! Y'all know the drill, comment if you want a reminder.
The reason it took me so long to upload is because I've had heaps of assignments to do & I've been deciding if I want to finish one more story on Witty, which obviously I am doing :) I don't think this story will be very long but this is the least I can do because you're all so amazing and when I'm famous, I'm going to buy you all a cat!
In case you haven't noticed, I'M BAAAACK!
And with a new story(:
But I started writing again about a month ago and it felt weird not to be posting it and I really really missed you guys.
Now, I understand if you've moved on with your life and grew up and have decided I'm not worth your time, I'D FEEL THE SAME WAY.
Buuuuuut, if by some odd chance, you still have a minute for lil old me, I would so appreciate it you were all like, 'HEY. I'LL READ YOUR STORY FOR OLD TIME'S SAKE."
Either way, I love you all forever.
Aighty, I'll leave you alone now.
But yahh, give me your opinion pwease(:
Yep, that's right, I'm hanging out with Santa right now (:
& I can see each and everyone of you with Santas power!
I'm going to send an email or something to MTV and say they should go to the north pole and see santas crib for MTV cribs ;)
New chapters up <3
yes you should ;p
lol thats awesome then you guys can like go on a date in the snow and everything <33 haha
How are y'all?
It's kinda weird... I never say y'all when I'm speaking to someone in person but on the internet I'm all like y'all, y'all,y'all, y'all.
It was super hot today, I went in the pool & now I'm sitting in my room in shorts ((yeeeppp, sorry to disappoint all the boys outside my house, hoping I'm naked)) drinking a slurpee and cue brain freeze!
Chapter 3 is up!! Enjoy.
I am totally gonna get a text from a guy who I happen to be in love with saying, 'If the world ends today, I just want you to know I love you.'
Lol, no.
Chapter 2 is up, lovely!
omigoodness its so addicting heheheeh
sooooo hows lucas?
yes spain is pretty awesome
heheheheh yes go to london and stalk him pretty fun lalala lol jk ;D
do you like pretty little liarsssss?
spain was awesome kinda alot but awesome aha
and yes very complicated but yeah i dont think ihe likes me anymore which is good cause hes so cute but i dont think so hhaha
omigosh i love danisnotonfire!!!!!!! hehehe
aawwww i saw the pics hes so cute!!!!! you guys would make an adorable couple!!!!!
well i went to spain for 3 months for to do school there and i still cuoldnt get that guy out of my mind the one that you know about but i kinda had a crush on this guy in my class and after i left i found out he liked me to but by then i had mostly gotten over him and i like the other guy more but i didnt want to tell the other guy cause i wont see him for a long time and i didnt want to hurt him cause hes my friend but i think hes over it by now im not sure though and i still like that other guy but not as much so yeahhh
awwww thats adorible i wana see a pic of him hehe thats awesome that his bro tells you stuff haha so he talks about you alot
my love life is hmmm interesting