The name's Leah. 18. Senior. Wisconsin is where I'm at. Singing isn't just my's my life. Music is my heaven. HiImMatthew is super cute and adorable so follow him. Troy_is_cool is super nice and kind love him. luke_randomdude is my twin and he is MINE. Softball<3. Swimming<3. Gymnastics<3. Cheer<3. You know my name, not my story, so think before you judge me. NoH8. You lost? Well, don't follow me cause I run into walls...(:
“I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that.” ~Eminem
Yoo it's luke (luke_randomdude) hacking my twin ;3
she kind..sweet, loyal,smart
just absolutely amazing (: she funny,kind,sweet,
beautiful she also very caring,
lovely :) whoeever your bf is
they better not hurt you *evil smirks* wuve you twin
never change your awesome already ;P
ayee wasssup? troy hacken you,, (troy_is_cool) so anyway this girl is amazinnnn, she nice amazinn and funnny, shes been thru alotta so if you mean to her ill kick ur asss, so leah ur really cool an i love you:) --- troy;)
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