
Joined: September 27, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 126625
Hello Fellow Wittians :)
I'm Alexis. But call me Lexy :p or Izzy.
My dad died on 12/26/2011.
I'm depressed, and a lot of other things.
I need a witty friend :3
Snapchat: al3788
Facebook is Lex Witty
Twitter is @lexy3788
HMU :)
I tried to kill myself quite a few times..
I do still cut(regrettfully) its an addiction that I can't stop.
I love all of you.

Stay Beautiful and I'm always here to talk. Love you guys <3


lexybaybay741's Favorite Quotes

i wouldnt be the cute lovey dovey type of girlfriend id be the “lets go to mcdonalds at 1am” kind
There's more to being a loyal boyfriend than just not cheating on your girlfriend . Being a loyal boyfriend means you're supposed to be there for your girl at any time of the day or night even if you're busy doing your own thing because if she really needed you, you'd be willing to stop everything you're doing and be there for her . Being a loyal boyfriend means you're supposed to tell her how much she means to you, you don't got to do it all the time but just enough to let her know what she's worth . Being a loyal boyfriend means you're supposed to listen to her problems and not judge her afterwards based on her opinions or beliefs because you'll be wise enough to understand her. Being a loyal boyfriend means you're supposed to make her happy when she's feeling broken, and love her, her naked face, her weight, her figure, her insecurities, her flaws, everything.
Overprotective parents raise the best liars.

want to know my real problem?
I push people away, when I need them most.
I get jealous easy, because I'm terrified that you'll find someone better than me.
everyone I love ends up leaving me, and I'm scared of getting hurt again.
I can't make friends easily, or connect properly with people, because I'm scared they'll just find someone prettier, nicer, better, funnier and more exciting than me.
I always say the wrong thing in arguments.
I'll tell you to go away, when all I want you to do is stay, and tell me that everything will be alright, that it'll all be okay.
I can never say the right thing, or do anything right.
this is why I always end up alone.

Hey baby, are you into
broken, unstable losers who never leave their house

School hasn't even started
and I already want it to end.
All the witty people with iphones/ipods should get into a big group text together.

An 11 year old realized that she had started to grow hair in between her legs.
She had got worried and asked her mum about the hair.
Her mum calmly said "That part where the hair has grown is called a Monkey, be proud that your Monkey had grown hair."
Next morning, at breakfast she told her sister "My monkey has grown hair."
Her sister smiled and said "That's nothing! mine is already eating bananas."
Her mum fainted.

Seeing a cockroach in your sandwich is not a problem

but seeing a half cockroach in your remaining half sandwich is definitely a big problem

formatcredit- rajsonkar
sorry but my mom wants to talk to your mom first before i can give you a blow'job