Haha, no problem; but I just think of it as an appreciation for good quotes. I haven't had a good laugh since school and I'm so stressed out because this year is so tight.
If you're talking about Wattpad, people usually post the chapters one-by-one and where it says 'place title here' you place the title of your story and usually the chapter number... if that makes sense
Ok, guys, I'm not here to tell you there's a new chapter up.
I'm here telling you I will not be continuing Beautiful Disaster and that I put up a quote explaining it all. The reasons are all outlined on the quote (I feel like such a teacher asdfghjkl)
I'm really sorry ♥
Please go read the quote & leave me a comment or something. I love comments. I don't know why I say 'something', it's like what else are you going to do? Leave me a couple of cats?
{{Even though I'd love that, by the way}}
I love you all & thanks for being amazing.
Today's my brothers birthday, right & his friends are over & so my mum got this table and made it all fancy with heaps of food. M&Ms, lollies, f//cken yummy chocolates, popcorn & a bunch of other sh/t. So basically, I've been sitting next to the table all day.
Talking about birthdays, it's nearly mine! It's on the 26th of April, now you know that so I expect a cat from each of you.
I took my puppy (yes, I still call her a puppy even though she's 6 months ok) to the park so she could run away and what does she do? Sit down on the grass and just stay there!
I don't even know why I bother anymore.
She approached a bunch of teenagers who were like my age and all the kids were like running away from her because they were scared. Even the guys. They were a bunch of idiots, like the boys were climbing on this metal thingy (I don't know what it's called) and just sitting there.
Like omfg you're so cool, bro, please have my children.
Yea no..
New chapters up! c:
Hey guys! ♥
So, I officially only have a week of school left & then two weeks of holidays! Woo hoo! I'm really excited because I just want school to finish and for me to be able to do something other then assignments... even though I still have 2 >.<
Anyways, so I have a new favourite song right. It's called Jimmy Lovine by Macklemore & idk how old it is but recently I've been listening to The Heist (which is a Macklemore album) and that's my favourite song on there so go check it.
I realised something, I don't even bother trying to make my reminders funny anymore, I just tell you all about my day and just my life in general & like, if anyone wants to tell me about there lives go ahead ;)
Ahahha, chapter 6 of Beautiful Disaster is up & chapter 7 is coming soon!
&& why, what's happening? I can help :D
So, witty is stuffing up. I click on my chapter 4 so I can see who needs reminders and only 2 came up so now, I'm looking at the people from my phone...
Which I cracked. Ah! I'm getting it fixed on Saturday, I just have to be a good daughter so my mum takes me.
Ok, today I was at my locker and I have a bottom locker and so I was kneeling down at getting my books and my crushes friend pushed him and he fell on me & ASDFGHJKL HE WAS LYING ON ME. OK I WAS DEAD & PREGNANT.
He was lying on me for like a zillion years and I didn't want it to seem like I wanted him on me so I kinda just like awkwardly got up in the most sexual way.
New chapters up ♥
Chapter 4 of Beautiful Disaster is up on my profile, so go check that out! :)
Well if you want... like I mean, I am not going to judge you if you just like me giving you reminders, it could be like your weird fetish. If that even makes sense cause I have no idea why your fetish would be getting reminders from this awkward, cat loving potato.
Ok, so there is this freaking funny kid in my grade and I don't even know why he is so funny but like seriously, everything he says is hilarious. If he was my son, I would be proud. My children better be funny motherfuu//ckkers.
So, I think just about everyone is getting those ask thingys, so I got one! So you can ask me things here: http://ask.fm/asdfghjklmaria I love it, I do, because all these people from my school are getting it & I can ask anonymously about their personal lives.
Stalker much? I know.
Ok, ok, now go ask me things ;)
Guys, I'm done. I'm done with this all. I'm just done with witty. ok. I'm leaving.
Thanks for being amazing guys, I love you all. Sorry for not completing the story but I just couldn't.
~~~April fools suckkerss! I bet that was the biggest fail ever. Eh, oh well.
Eppp, so today, right, I was in coles and decided to make something yummy, so I bought a bunch of oreos and chocolate and made this oreo cake pop things! They are amazing, if I do say so myself ;)
I just love oreos so much.
Oreos & skittles. Ah!
I am totally guilty of having a jar of skittles in my room... yeah, um, ok.
Anyway, I uploaded chapter 3 of BD! I hope you like it :)
Heyheyhey! :D
I uploaded chapter 2 of Beautiful Disaster & I hope you enjoy it ♥ ♥
Today, we went over to my auntys house & took our dog, Cleo with us. They have a dog as well & they were playing around & ok, I swear they were like having s//x or doing some weird kind of f//oreplay!
My dog gets more action than me, how sad.
Eh, oh well! I have my laptop & she doesn't. Mwahhahaa c; I obviously win!
I am back! I'm so sorry! ahahha
I missed you heaps as well!
Hey ♥
So, today, I went to the shops to buy easter eggs and easter presents & I like kinda maybe bought some just so I could eat when I was spending time with my laptop.
Yeah, who doesn't love creme eggs though? {{If you don't know what they are, you are not living}}
For those of you who are celebrating easter this weekend, Happy Easter.
My easter isn't for another month so I just get days off for no reason ;) H//ll yes!
Ok, so I also bought the Fault in our stars by John Green & oh my gosh, I am so excited. I've been wanting to read that book for forever now!
Chapter 1 of Beautiful Disaster is up.
&& ahahaha, you want me to kidnap you? well um ok and nawwhh, thankies!
Guess whos back, back again
Maria's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back,
guess who's back ;)
Heyheyhey! The prologue of my new story, Beautiful Disaster is up. I hope you enjoy it! Y'all know the drill, comment if you want a reminder.
The reason it took me so long to upload is because I've had heaps of assignments to do & I've been deciding if I want to finish one more story on Witty, which obviously I am doing :) I don't think this story will be very long but this is the least I can do because you're all so amazing and when I'm famous, I'm going to buy you all a cat!
&& ahhha, okay, her kids name is Beth!
Haha well I think all of R5 is pretty cute, but Ross is my fav c;
The girl in it (i don't know her name) is so pretty!
Christina has a flawless voice
and yes.
i love 'your body' (the song)
um how exactly do you do the stories
im confused
does the title of your thing have to include the chapter?? im confused.
I'm confused with your question... what are you asking? ahaha
I don't get how to publish the story.
Do you post the chapters one-by-one or do the whole story then post it?
And also, when it says 'place title here' does it mean like the title of your book or the title of your chapter?
also, do they sensor vulgar language, or remove the story?
I'm here telling you I will not be continuing Beautiful Disaster and that I put up a quote explaining it all. The reasons are all outlined on the quote (I feel like such a teacher asdfghjkl)
I'm really sorry ♥
Please go read the quote & leave me a comment or something. I love comments. I don't know why I say 'something', it's like what else are you going to do? Leave me a couple of cats?
{{Even though I'd love that, by the way}}
I love you all & thanks for being amazing.
Talking about birthdays, it's nearly mine! It's on the 26th of April, now you know that so I expect a cat from each of you.
I took my puppy (yes, I still call her a puppy even though she's 6 months ok) to the park so she could run away and what does she do? Sit down on the grass and just stay there!
I don't even know why I bother anymore.
She approached a bunch of teenagers who were like my age and all the kids were like running away from her because they were scared. Even the guys. They were a bunch of idiots, like the boys were climbing on this metal thingy (I don't know what it's called) and just sitting there.
Like omfg you're so cool, bro, please have my children.
Yea no..
New chapters up! c:
So, I officially only have a week of school left & then two weeks of holidays! Woo hoo! I'm really excited because I just want school to finish and for me to be able to do something other then assignments... even though I still have 2 >.<
Anyways, so I have a new favourite song right. It's called Jimmy Lovine by Macklemore & idk how old it is but recently I've been listening to The Heist (which is a Macklemore album) and that's my favourite song on there so go check it.
I realised something, I don't even bother trying to make my reminders funny anymore, I just tell you all about my day and just my life in general & like, if anyone wants to tell me about there lives go ahead ;)
Ahahha, chapter 6 of Beautiful Disaster is up & chapter 7 is coming soon!
&& why, what's happening? I can help :D
Which I cracked. Ah! I'm getting it fixed on Saturday, I just have to be a good daughter so my mum takes me.
Ok, today I was at my locker and I have a bottom locker and so I was kneeling down at getting my books and my crushes friend pushed him and he fell on me & ASDFGHJKL HE WAS LYING ON ME. OK I WAS DEAD & PREGNANT.
He was lying on me for like a zillion years and I didn't want it to seem like I wanted him on me so I kinda just like awkwardly got up in the most sexual way.
New chapters up ♥
Well if you want... like I mean, I am not going to judge you if you just like me giving you reminders, it could be like your weird fetish. If that even makes sense cause I have no idea why your fetish would be getting reminders from this awkward, cat loving potato.
Ok, so there is this freaking funny kid in my grade and I don't even know why he is so funny but like seriously, everything he says is hilarious. If he was my son, I would be proud. My children better be funny motherfuu//ckkers.
So, I think just about everyone is getting those ask thingys, so I got one! So you can ask me things here: http://ask.fm/asdfghjklmaria I love it, I do, because all these people from my school are getting it & I can ask anonymously about their personal lives.
Stalker much? I know.
Ok, ok, now go ask me things ;)
Thanks for being amazing guys, I love you all. Sorry for not completing the story but I just couldn't.
~~~April fools suckkerss! I bet that was the biggest fail ever. Eh, oh well.
Eppp, so today, right, I was in coles and decided to make something yummy, so I bought a bunch of oreos and chocolate and made this oreo cake pop things! They are amazing, if I do say so myself ;)
I just love oreos so much.
Oreos & skittles. Ah!
I am totally guilty of having a jar of skittles in my room... yeah, um, ok.
Anyway, I uploaded chapter 3 of BD! I hope you like it :)
i actually forgot it was april fool's day so im just like, wow ok.
I uploaded chapter 2 of Beautiful Disaster & I hope you enjoy it ♥ ♥
Today, we went over to my auntys house & took our dog, Cleo with us. They have a dog as well & they were playing around & ok, I swear they were like having s//x or doing some weird kind of f//oreplay!
My dog gets more action than me, how sad.
Eh, oh well! I have my laptop & she doesn't. Mwahhahaa c; I obviously win!
I missed you heaps as well!
So, today, I went to the shops to buy easter eggs and easter presents & I like kinda maybe bought some just so I could eat when I was spending time with my laptop.
Yeah, who doesn't love creme eggs though? {{If you don't know what they are, you are not living}}
For those of you who are celebrating easter this weekend, Happy Easter.
My easter isn't for another month so I just get days off for no reason ;) H//ll yes!
Ok, so I also bought the Fault in our stars by John Green & oh my gosh, I am so excited. I've been wanting to read that book for forever now!
Chapter 1 of Beautiful Disaster is up.
&& ahahaha, you want me to kidnap you? well um ok and nawwhh, thankies!
Maria's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back,
guess who's back ;)
Heyheyhey! The prologue of my new story, Beautiful Disaster is up. I hope you enjoy it! Y'all know the drill, comment if you want a reminder.
The reason it took me so long to upload is because I've had heaps of assignments to do & I've been deciding if I want to finish one more story on Witty, which obviously I am doing :) I don't think this story will be very long but this is the least I can do because you're all so amazing and when I'm famous, I'm going to buy you all a cat!
&& ahhha, okay, her kids name is Beth!
Haha well I think all of R5 is pretty cute, but Ross is my fav c;
The girl in it (i don't know her name) is so pretty!