
Joined: September 26, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: February 7
user id: 332214
Location: pennsylvania
Gender: F
im Elizabeth
im 18
 i like photography
     im a volunteer firefighter

Quotes by lillybeth7

3 words, 8 letters... say it and I`m yours... "I got food.".
  Laughing is the best medicine. But laughing for no reason, you need medicine.
I gotta carry my phone around with me 24/7 just in case nobody texts me.
Promises mean everything, but after they are broken, sorry means nothing.
For you, she was a chapter. For her, you were the book. 
Playing with someone's heart just shows there's nothing in yours.
Be thankful for stupid people, they make it easier for the rest of us to get ahead in life.
True love doesn't have a happy ending because true love never ends!

If you believe that everything's alright
You won't be all alone tonight
And I'd be blessed by the light of your company, 
Slowly lifting me to somewhere new
That Awkward Moment when you`re naked, trying to get dressed and your pet is staring at you.
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