IM A FREAKIN BUNNY *nomnomnom* carrots=yummy
January 25, 2013
Last Seen:
9 years
July 9
user id:
in a meadow! full of rainbows! and unicorns!
I'm sure no one has noticed but I've been off witty for awhile
now. I don't know if I'm going to be on much after this so,
Goodbye Witty. I love you guys..
My goal this summer:
Be totally 100% me. I won't worry about being judged and what
others think. I will let out my crazy colorful self and just have
fun for once. Laugh lots. Hang with friends. do what Im afraid to
do at school. Let it all out.
Okay. So today at lunch, the guy I like was watching me.
I was talking to myself.
I looked him in the eye and,
keeping eye contact, I slid behind my friend to hide.
He just kinda did a little tiny smile and went back to talking to
his jerky friends.
Me and my friend prank
friend: *asks serious question*
person: are you serious?
me: yeah
person: do you realize what time of night it is? get lost!
me: *singing* in a meadow! full of rainbows! and unicornz!
person: *probably making grumpy face on the other side of the
me: you have a good night now.
person: *hangs up*