
Joined: March 27, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 287133

Comments by lizlinee

lizlinee 1 decade ago to MayaLorinda
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Do your friends know or just family?
lizlinee 1 decade ago to MayaLorinda
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Im so sorry...... when did it start?
MayaLorinda 1 decade ago to MayaLorinda
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I was nine.. what started as a child game controlls my life.
lizlinee 1 decade ago to Till_Death_Do_Us_Part
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He wants it, he's probably just irritated at something from work or school. Just give it some time, I know that I find that every now and then I just refuse to agree with anyone cuz Im upset with something completely different, and I bet he's just going through one of those times
Till_Death_Do_Us_Part 1 decade ago to Till_Death_Do_Us_Part
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Yeah. I asked him about it. He said hes just struggling at work right now. Hes gona try and get in to see a therapist.
lizlinee 1 decade ago to nevercutyourbeautiful
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btw, you are beautiful, inside and out
lizlinee 1 decade ago to nevercutyourbeautiful
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Hey, I dont actually know you but I know that youve helped a lot of people and have gotten a lot of hate, I want to thank you for being there for us witty girls and that it takes a lot of courage to do that and you should take pride. You deserve every opportunity and to accomplish you're dreams, im here for you, and i love what you do, sincerely......
lizlinee 1 decade ago to BeeMYSunshine
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I think that, so far, he sounds great. And even though there is a large difference in age he respects that you are younger, and he sounds like a perfectly nice guy, I think you should keep dating him until he does something wrong, if he does something wrong
lizlinee 1 decade ago to Steve
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Hey Steve, First, I am finally getting used to the new witty and I love it, now. I understand why you stopped the vent category because of how you wanted more'real' quotes and less just complaining. I think that you should bring it back, though for three reasons. Number one, without 'vent' quite a few people have decided to put vents in other categories. Secondly, even though this site was originally made to collect cool quotes, I think the vents made up part of what it is now known to be because we can collect cool quotes and help people who may not need advice, but just want to get something out and this is where you know someone has got to see it. Also, insome cases, it stops suicide or self harm. Lastly, it helps us meet and connect with others better because we can find people with our same problems and help them (did you know that helping others is one of the most likely things to make you happy because of some chemical that releases in your brain when you help others?) or get help from them. Sorry this became practically an essay, but I wanted to tell you legitimate reasons why I think we need the vent category back, and not just complain without facts to back it up. Thanks for reading and considering this!
lizlinee 1 decade ago to kjadams1998
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When is your bday cuz i was born in 1998 also, if yo arent huge on giving out your personal in fo like that its cool, but my bday is july 22nd
lizlinee 1 decade ago to kjadams1998
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You still look great in the new photo so I doubt its editing.
lizlinee 1 decade ago to LookInsideMyMind
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Please dont be bulimic, you dont deserve to treat yourself that way. Im here for you....
lizlinee 1 decade ago to kjadams1998
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First, just saw your profile pic and you are really pretty, and dont hurt yourself, its not worth it! and just because your bipolar doesnt mean youre a maniac, my older sister is bipolar and I think she may be the most socially loved person Ive ever met, and although every now and then she gets sorta crazy, its more of a fun and funny kind, so dont be afraid to admit it because once you do you can get help, like I was afraid to say I was depressed, but after I did, things started to get a little better as I got help
lizlinee 1 decade ago to BeautifulJasmine01
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Awwww.... thats so sweet!
lizlinee 1 decade ago to Savannahxaleese
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You sound like you were a great person...
lizlinee 1 decade ago to deck
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Welll, Im here for you and Im extremely sorry you got abused, but you have to remember that there will be haters everywhere (I know abuse is bad and I dont want to down[play that at all)
lizlinee 1 decade ago to Squirrely1
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Well Im glad that he ended up okay even though its sad that he felt he needed to cut in the first place
lizlinee 1 decade ago to Squirrely1
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I already did and I hope that it works out
lizlinee 1 decade ago to Squirrely1
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I would love too, but as you saw on my profile im about to leave for camp for almost a month, but afterwards i will, unless you want to write, but that would mean that you would have to at some point give me your address and I personally dont give out my address, but I promise that if you do Im not a creepy perv, Im a teen girl in MS..... you can tell cuz Im going to camp at camp greystone, which is all girls
lizlinee 1 decade ago to CrazyLove101
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Yes they do.....
lizlinee 1 decade ago to Erica_213
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Thats my fav too!! thnx for the feedback
lizlinee 1 decade ago to ChelseyGrace
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The last chapter is up;) I hope you liked the story. Im going to camp and I want tostart writing a new on while Im there, plz comment which one of these ideas you like most if you have tim: sequel to kiss of forever, new paranormal romance, murder mystery chicklet, or an action chicklet, thanks!!