
Joined: March 27, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 287133

lizlinee's Favorite Quotes

And I always seem to contradict myself. I want to die but I want to live so fast and so hard that my heart explodes into millions and millions of pieces, red Valentine confetti that never touches the ground. I want to stay at home all day and I want to travel to the most remote places of the earth. I want to never again have to speak to a stranger and I want to learn sixteen hundred languages so that I can converse with just about every single human being in creation. I want to be alone and forgotten but I want to make friends in all one hundred ninety-six countries on this earth; I want to talk to no one but my mother and I want to talk to people from Penza, Chuncheon, Soweto, Dhanmondi. I want to have a list of friends that expands the width and depth of the Altantic. I want to laugh in the face of everything that's frightening but I can't seem to laugh at anything at all.

What hurts me thmosis..    ♥
knowing i could walk out of your life at any minute,
&& you wouldn't stop me.


Not sure if I'm
emotionally strong,
or just used to the loneliness.

This quote does not exist.

❝i'm, like, really pretty.❞
-what every girl should think when
she looks in the mirror

format credit: notyouraverageteenagegirl


it's 2014 why can't we unsend messages yet.

This quote does not exist.

I learned a lot about falling in love when I fell out of love.

I learned a lot about being a friend when I was alone.


Saying "Oh!" like you get it,
But you still have no idea.

You can't start the next chapter

of your life if you keep re-reading

the last one.
