
Status: Follow Me <3
Joined: November 10, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 338216
Location: Cali <3
Gender: F
Follow Me please? The more followers I have the more lives I get to change with my quotes <3
Goal: 500 followers by September!!


Quotes by lovejennifer101







Follow Me tell your fellow wittian friends <3
Trying to reach 500 followers by September Your one click can help me get there!The more followers I get the more lives I change with my quotes <3








Follow Me please? The more followers I have the more lives I get to change with my quotes <3
Girls are like apples.
The best ones are at the 
top of
the trees.The
boys don't want to reach
for the good ones because they're afraid
falling and getting hurt.Instead, they
just get the 
rotten apples that are on
the ground that aren't as
easy to get.So the apples
at the top think
that there's

with them,
when in
they just
have to 
wait for
right boy
to come
along who's
brave enough
to climb to the, 
very top of the tree.
Something may have mad you sad today.
Maybe something made you angry.
Tell Me about it.Trust me you'll feel calmer.
I wish i was the girl that guys wished they were dating...but no... I'm the girl whose invisible....
their so lucky </3