Hey witty girls, so. I have this site.
I'd really like if you checked it out, & supported me
with it, this site means a lot to me, I have quotes on it that
go with pictures. So I was hoping you girls could do me a
favor. Just. Go check out the site. & send the link to your
friends, I'll be posting new stuff everyday! And if you
have quote ideas that you want to be seen on the site with a
picture of your choice just comment on my profile &
I'll defiantly make it happen ! Thank you witty girls for
the support ♥
She's the girl that has a few best
friends and doesn't need anymore. The girl that laughs
the hardest at her own jokes. She's the girl that will
hang up on you, but then call you right back and say sorry.
She's the girl who will never leave your side when you
need her.
go out
of her
to cheer