
Joined: October 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 222657

Comments by loveyoulots101

loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to xxamyxx114
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Your really pretty! (: 9!!! (:
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to xoxokatiexoxo8898
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ur really pretty (: 10!
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to VladiiTod
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your adorable! 10! <3
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to justanothergirl143
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your so gorgouse!!! 10!
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to love_who_you_are
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thank you...but it is hard to believe that when for 5 years of my life all i got was being called ugly, fat, and a . so it is really hard to believe what people say now.
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to foreverandalways41400
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Awwww thank you s much (: so r u!!!
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to onmymind_xo
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Nothin really, got done from school a littlebit ago, and now I'm going shopping (: hehehe wbu???
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to onmymind_xo
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You toally made my day (:
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to onmymind_xo
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awwwwwww thxxx!
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to livvygurl77
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u r not sowwwwy. u are laughing because i am very upset about this matter. you are a but hollyo :P hehehe love you >.<
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to livvygurl77
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You did not include, anywhere in your witty, that i am your best friend...i feel left out ): hehehehe
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to love_who_you_are
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Thank you so much. You are the best (: ill let you know how things go...(:

(and btw, livvygurl77 that you have been talking to is my best friend...and she's talking about me in her thing cuz she didnt know what to do, and she told me to ask you for really helped >.<)
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to love_who_you_are
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i did talk to him in person, and he did really care... :/ and he means the world to me...he truely has the power to break my heart...but i think i love him... and thank you...but i am very insicure about myself...and how i look
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to wittyfromaguy
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how can u be single? you are absolutly gorgeous!
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to love_who_you_are
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well um, i really really really like my best guy friend. and he told me he liked me about a month ago. and he is really sweet, but like he keeps giving me weird signals and he keeps choosing his stupid video games over me, and then when i ask him about it he just says that he doesnt want to be around all of the drama. and he knows how much he means to me. and how fast he can tear me down. and when i feel bad he calls me beautiful and everything, but i think im pretty ugly. so i dont know if he is lying to me, and i just dont know wht to do anymore... :/
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to love_who_you_are
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hey, im kinda having some problems with this one boy...can u help? you seem like you can help anyone (:
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to dudewheresmyTACO
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Hehe ur welcome >.<
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to BabiiLovee
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ur welcome (:
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to BabiiLovee
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wow, i just wanted to say, u are so pretty (:
loveyoulots101 1 decade ago to dudewheresmyTACO
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yea, they are blue. and THANK you soo much (: ur so nice.
and ur really prettty too (: