hey random person creeping on my profile. The name's Luke. Ok so i'll be honest my old profile pic wasn't me i got it off google but now the pic is all me. Im 16...gonna be 17 in two months:) I am currently not in a relationship but that can change at any moment;) I play football. My best friend is a girl named Skylar she is amazing. Alot of people keep saying im fake, well im NOT and i'd appreciate it if they'd all just shut up and mind there own business. well i guess that's it so bye..oh yeah hit that little blue follow button up there:)
LUUKKKKEEEEEEE!!!! okay so luke is an odd child. he has this weird obsession with watching spongebob. he freaks out over the littlest things like if he gets one spot of dirt on his new shoes. He hates being alone! when ever he's alone he's always calling me saying "hey sky...you wanna come over?" me and luke ahve been best friends since the 3rd grade. you'll never in you're entire life meet a person whose more amazing than this handsome guy right here. so my suggestion to you is to follow him. chat him up. get to know him. who knows maybe he'll fall in love with one of you witty girls:) but just know that if he does i have to approve of you. well that's all i have to say about my smexy/odd/spongebob loving bestfriend<3
love ~skylar Elizabeth
Ok so yea....
People are calling Luke fake. This is his friend Selena well
frankly he's not. K? K. Yes his pic is on google that's
because they're posted on the internet. You can't post
things on google.They're there because the are on the