Why Hello There! :]
I'm Alexandria
I'm 17 years young I was born on 9/11/96! Yup that's 9/11
I adore going on witty when I get a chance plus cleverbot every once in a while when I get bored
I love French class because well French is just amazing :)
When I'm followed I always follow back that's the way I am :)
*Boy walks up to girl*
Boy: Why are you single?
Girl: I'm insecure and most guys don't want a girl they
have to work to prove somthing to.
~Next Day~
*boy walks up to girl*
Boy: Why are you single?
Girl: I'm smart. Guys are afraid that I'll be able to
tell when they're using me.
~Next day~
*boy walks up to girl*
Boy: Why are you single?
Girl: The guy I like hasn't noticed me
~Next Day~
*boy walks up to girl*
Boy: Why are you single?
Girl: The right guy hasn't given me the time of
~Next Day~
*boy walks up to girl*
Boy: I know why you're single.
Girl: Why?
Boy: I haven't proven to you that you are beautiful. I
haven't promised you that I'll never use you. I have
noticed you but I've been to scared to show you that I have.
I've been stupid not to give you the time of day. And because
I have yet to ask you to be mine.