you totally should
once i graduate i want to dye my hair like blue or purple but do it in a way that once it grows out it wont look bad so i wont have to continually dye my hair
Uhm.. well, Tumblr and Weheartit are two options, I use We♥it, search with 'emo' or 'scene' tag, there're a LOT of photos n.n PD: Sorry for my bad english e.e'
It's an old picture though my hair isn't like that anymore
i wish i could dye my hair but my parents wont let me ://
But after I graduate I'm probably gonna do some crap with it again.
once i graduate i want to dye my hair like blue or purple but do it in a way that once it grows out it wont look bad so i wont have to continually dye my hair
And you're welcome
Welcome to witty btdubs
I love the hair <3
If you need help come talk to me sure im ugly but im able to talk Cx